[OPEN-ILS-DEV] Pcrud fleshing question

Jane Sandberg sandbej at linnbenton.edu
Wed Jul 10 21:00:19 EDT 2019

Hi all,

When I run the following in srfsh:

request open-ils.pcrud open-ils.pcrud.search.bresv
"<auth_token_goes_here>", {"id" : {">" : 0}}, {"flesh" : 1,
"flesh_fields" : {"bresv": ["pickup_lib"]}}

The pickup_lib field is not fleshed; I just get its ID.  However, if I
change "pickup_lib" to "request_lib", it fleshes just fine:

request open-ils.pcrud open-ils.pcrud.search.bresv
"<auth_token_goes_here>", {"id" : {">" : 0}}, {"flesh" : 1,
"flesh_fields" : {"bresv": ["request_lib"]}}

I feel like I must be missing something obvious.  pickup_lib and
request_lib seem almost identical, except that one of them can be
null.  How can I get all the nice data about the pickup_lib?


Jane Sandberg
Electronic Resources Librarian
Linn-Benton Community College
sandbej at linnbenton.edu / 541-917-4655
Pronouns: she/her/hers

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