[OPEN-ILS-DOCUMENTATION] brain dump on Thursday session #2

Jason Etheridge jason at esilibrary.com
Fri Mar 7 23:05:25 EST 2008

This time around I wanted to pick a specific area to focus on and go
into more detail.  It was suggested that we focus on administration
first, and there was a lot of support for that, so that's what we did.

Admin got broken up into several pieces:

1) Under the hood, with opensrf.xml, opensrf_core.xml, etc.
   a) circ modifiers
   b) billing types
   c) z39.50 sources
   d) briefly sip2 and offline cgi
   I forgot to mention MARC templates here
2) Bootstrapping with /cgi-bin/config.cgi (We did not go into the
experimental django interface that is an alternative to this)
   a) org unit types
   b) org units, hours of operations, addresses
   c) user groups and group permissions
   d) copy statuses
   e) circulation and holds rules (the end results of scripted circ
behavior that are defined in the database)
   f) system permissions
3) Staff client Admin menu and Local System Administration interface,
and the various pieces contained within
   a) User perm editor
   b) Receipt template editor
   c) Survey creation
   d) Workstation settings: Sound, Font, Printer
   e) Library Configuration: Closed dates, copy locations, misc
library settings, non-cataloged types, statistical categories
   f) maintenance reports: pull list, cash reports, transit list
4) Where most of the local settings for a Windows staff client installation go:
   C:\Documents and Settings\user\Application

Dan Scott was with us for this session, and we talked a bit about how
we might go about writing documentation.

Thanks folks!  I'm going to hold Tuesday sessions as well, though less
frequently and with a longer duration.  I'll probably start these in
April, and those from the Thursday sessions are welcome to join those
as well (or if there are any more volunteers out there, feel free to
chime in!)

-- Jason

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