[OPEN-ILS-DOCUMENTATION] Report from the Evergreen DIG Styleguide team

Karen Schneider kgs at esilibrary.com
Wed Aug 5 16:42:06 EDT 2009

We met today and it was a gloriously short meeting -- we made great
headway in 20 minutes.

We compared the two guides I had shared (from two companies using
DocBook) and agreed that one of the guides held great promise as a
model. Since my August is a little less crazy than some other folks',
I volunteered to start working with the XML the company had
thoughtfully provided to begin customizing it for Evergreen's needs.
I've got the files open in oXygen... not sure I'll have a working
styleguide by tomorrow afternoon, but wouldn't rule out some work on

Here are some of the areas that we felt needed to differ from the
styleguide (aside from changing corporate references to refer to
Evergreen, and licensing to Creative Commons  ;) )

Lynn Floyd -- liked the layout of metroguide but Progress software had
better material for our needs (this was a consensus)

Lynn -- heed the elements unused, citation, isbn, issn -- these could
be useful for us (depends on how they are defined)

Lynn -- Reorder things: figures, screen shots, inline, graphics -- put
before tables and lists -- consensus

Question: format? for graphics? implications?

Jennifer -- thinks jpeg is more widely used

Lynn -- PNG -- more cross-platform-friendly

Karen: What are the sizing options? Note: need to write
graphics-independent content -- for reuse in translations

All: we agreed to make the exclusion list much shorter (the list of
excluded tags)

| Karen G. Schneider
| Community Librarian
| Equinox Software Inc. "The Evergreen Experts"
| Toll-free: 1.877.Open.ILS (1.877.673.6457) x712
| kgs at esilibrary.com
| Web: http://www.esilibrary.com

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