[OPEN-ILS-DOCUMENTATION] thinking ahead--using the demo server?

Karen Schneider kgs at esilibrary.com
Thu Jul 2 08:58:44 EDT 2009

> Pages 412- of the Michigan Manual illustrate their batch upload process.


 > The point I was trying to make is that going forward it
> would be useful to be all working to create documentation from the same
> installation. I completely agree with your points about needing to think
> about what version of EG the documentation was written for.

I completely affirm what you're saying here, though I'd phrase it a
little differently. Documentation needs to be explicitly associated
with releases, and even the documentation environmental scan needs to
take into account the questions of "what release is this written for"
(and how do we know that...?), "does it fully and correctly reflect
the functions of this release," etc. That requires familiarity with
the specific release.

See the PostgreSQL docs page:


One advantage to creating one single place and single-source format
for Evergreen documentation is this ability to answer the question,
what release is this for?

On the "needs assessment" end of things, given that we will never be
able to tackle everything, figuring out our first priorities will also
be key. (Expect a survey, likely right after ALA.)

| Karen G. Schneider
| Community Librarian
| Equinox Software Inc. "The Evergreen Experts"
| Toll-free: 1.877.Open.ILS (1.877.673.6457) x712
| kgs at esilibrary.com
| Web: http://www.esilibrary.com

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