No subject

Thu May 28 17:10:26 EDT 2009

There are a few problems with that, mainly that we no longer have a SVN com=
mitter in the group and that we would want to circulate, share and collabor=
ate on the docs before pushing them into the one true repo anyway.  This is=
 a pretty common problem in open source software development, and it is the=
 basic problem that distributed version control systems (DVCS) are designed=
 to solve.  I'll describe how we might use a DVCS in our case, which happen=
s to be how I do my development every day anyway.

So here is a git repository of Evergreen that I use, hosted at github:

It looks similar to the trac/SVN view of the EG repo.  You can switch to th=
e branch I do doc work in called "docs_rock", at:

With a (free) account, you can create your own "fork" of the project direct=
ly via the web interface.  Having installed/configured git on your local sy=
stem, and with your github account (say, named "foobar"), the basic workflo=
w might look like:

# on github, click to fork a EG repo, then clone your fork for revision
git clone git at evergreen
cd evergreen
git checkout docs_rock  # "set" a branch as active

# add new files to ./docs, then
git add <new_file_path>

# and/or edit docs/1.6/...*.xml with whatever tools you want, then
git commit -a   # save all your changes in git

# Done with some chunk of work (1 or more commits)
git push origin docs_rock

# Now everybody can see the changes on the website in your fork.
# When ready, click "pull request" and the person you forked from
# will be asked to propagate your changes upstream.

There are many possible variations, but I think this would work.  It's not =
magic, and I omitted installation and configuration.  But notably, this pro=
cess can be expanded an arbitrary number of times.  That is, you needn't fo=
rk from the repository I'm working from, you might fork from the repo of th=
e lead member for the chapter you are working on.  And somebody else from y=
ou, etc.

The great advantage is that instead of circulating email attachments, the e=
ditor(s) can get changes in the form of commit diffs directly from a versio=
n control system.  This is just one approach.  Really, any system that can =
get us out from separate firewalled institutional repos and into public spa=
ce would be worth considering.


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