[OPEN-ILS-DOCUMENTATION] Advised to contact for help

David King king.david.lee at gmail.com
Sun Aug 28 04:29:53 EDT 2011

Hello everyone,

	First off, thank you in advance for taking the time to address this. My apologies for posting on two different lists, but I was unsure which would be better. I have been trying to set up a circulation system with Evergreen on a virtual machine running Ubuntu Natty (11.04). While setting up OpenSRF, I ran into a couple problems. 
	Firstly (the documentation issue), on this page (http://evergreen-ils.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=opensrf:2.0:install), I had to run steps 4.V before 4.I (effectively, I had to create the /openils directory and make the opensrf user the owner before compiling with the --prefix=/openils --sysconfdir=/openils/conf options). But that matter was easily resolved.
	The other issue (for development) is that while testing the connection, towards the end of the instructions, I am getting a 'Could not authenticate with Jabber server:' error message. I am somewhat befuddled as everything until this point has gone off without a hitch. In accordance with the instructions, after receiving this error I decided to message you all. My osfrsys and router logs are attached. 
	Thank you all so very much again. I am a Peace Corps volunteer in China, am an English teacher and am building an English library since most of my students have no access to English books. A circulation system is a must, obviously, and that's why I'm testing Evergreen. Our library currently on has about 100 books, but we're getting grants and making it grow as much as possible. 

--David L. King (金戈)
king.david.lee at gmail.com
QQ: 1482718189

P.S. Of course, feel free to contact me for any additional information you may need. 
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