Karen Collier kcollier at kent.lib.md.us
Mon Mar 7 16:38:02 EST 2011

Documentation Interest Group,

I would like to apologize to you all, and to Robert in particular, for missing today's meeting without letting anyone know.  I had every intention to attend, but I had a crazy hectic day and in the chaos, completely forgot about the meeting until around 4:00 when the panicked thought entered my head, "Wasn't that meeting today?  What time is it?  Ack!"  By then of course, it was too late.

Thank you, Robert, for picking up the slack and facilitating today's meeting.  I've skimmed the transcript, and it looks like you did a great job.  Again, my apologies.  I'll try not to do that to you again.


Karen Collier
Public Services Librarian
Kent County Public Library
408 High Street
Chestertown, MD 21620
410-778-3636 ext. 2113

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