[OPEN-ILS-DOCUMENTATION] Ideas for Docs Website

Remington Steed rjs7 at calvin.edu
Tue Nov 19 17:09:46 EST 2013


I have been thinking about a few ideas that could improve the Docs website and make the Docs easier to use.  I would imagine both of these things being integrated into every page of the generated HTML docs, and I don't know how difficult that would be.

1.       It seems the Docs website needs a search box.  Could we try adding something like a Google custom search engine (https://www.google.com/cse/)?

2.       I think the Docs website needs an email link that lets readers easily provide feedback about missing sections or other problems.  Ideally, this link would be visible everywhere, so whenever someone is reading and finds a problem, the link is visible already.  But it would be fine to try it in a prominent place near the top, and also in the footer.



Remington Steed
Electronic Resources Specialist
Hekman Library, Calvin College

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