[OPEN-ILS-DOCUMENTATION] "Address Alert" feature not documented

Josh Stompro stomproj at exchange.larl.org
Thu Aug 28 11:47:42 EDT 2014

Hello, I've just been playing around with an evergreen test system and came across the Admin->local admin-> address alert config page.  I was curious about how exactly this works, so I went to look for documentation.  But I couldn't find anything about it in the official documentation.  Or on any of the mailing lists, or the wiki, or the open-ils site using the google site search.

I started to file a Launchpad bug about it and came across the original feature request https://bugs.launchpad.net/evergreen/+bug/898248  It looks like it was included in the 2.0 release, and has been around since 2012.  It seem like a shame that a nice feature like this doesn't have more visibility.

Is this something that should be in the official documentation?  Which section should it go in?   I would be happy to try and document the feature.  Should I start a bug report to just have a place to document the progress?

I've seen the list of new features that need to be documented, is there a list of old features that need to be documented also?


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