Joe K joe at rkcomp.com
Thu Aug 2 06:26:30 EDT 2018

Good morning everyone,

For those of you who can attend on such short notice, let's plan on holding
a DIG meeting today, August 2nd, 2018 at 2pm Eastern, 11am Pacific in the
Evergreen IRC channel.

A tentative agenda can be found here:

Given my relative absenteeism over the last couple of months, I recommend
that we plan on holding a regular meeting today and then i will send out a
schedule of meetings for the next several months that can be placed up on
the DIG meeting page once folks have had a chance to comment on it, etc.

Speaking of absenteeism, I need to apologize to you all for being such an
absentee facilitator the last couple of months.  I got into a new position
and found that the challenges far exceeded my expectations going into it.
That said, I think I have things relatively under control now, so I believe
I will be able to be more reliable for the foreseeable future.

Thank you and have a good day.


Joe Knueven
DIG Facilitator
Evergreen Enthusiast
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