[OPEN-ILS-GENERAL] Authentication Error

Dan Scott denials at gmail.com
Tue Oct 16 20:32:54 EDT 2007

On 16/10/2007, Heidi (Faculty) Johnson <HJohnso2 at css.edu> wrote:
> My library is currently trying to get Evergreen up and running. We have
> installed Gentoo and VMware using Dan's instructions. We have gotten as
> far as being able to see the "beautiful default Evergreen catalog
> interface" and are now attempting to start the staff client. However,
> the staff client detects our log in, but won't let us log in. We get
> this error message "Error communicating with Authentication server."
> Does anyone have any suggestions?
> Thanks so much!
> Heidi Johnson
> The College of St. Scholastica Library
> Duluth, MN

Hi Heidi:

Hmm. Two ideas for you.

First - instead of "open-ils" for the "admin" user login with the staff
client, try "0pen-ils" (that initial character is a zero). I might have,
umm, pushed out a version of the VMWare image in which I had already changed
the password.

If you want to change the password to a known value, issue the following
commands from the command line to modify the value directly in the database:

psql -U postgres evergreen
# update actor.usr set passwd = 'open-ils' where usrname = 'admin';
# \q

If you still can't log in after trying one or both of the above steps,
please run the command:

ps wax | grep cstore

You should see a couple of processes like:
5459 ?        S        0:00     OpenSRF Listener [open-ils.cstore]
5460 ?        S        0:00     OpenSRF Drone [open-ils.cstore]

If you don't see these processes, I suspect a race condition that is
exacerbated on VMWare may be causing problems. You can avoid the race
condition by using the individual start commands instead of running the
single start command.

So, instead of:

osrf_ctl.sh -c /openils/conf/opensrf_core.xml -a start_all

... try breaking it up into three separate commands:

osrf_ctl.sh -c /openils/conf/opensrf_core.xml -a start_router
osrf_ctl.sh -c /openils/conf/opensrf_core.xml -a start_perl
osrf_ctl.sh -c /openils/conf/opensrf_core.xml -a start_c

Hopefully this helps get you on the path to trying out Evergreen. Please let
me know which one of these steps corrects your problem, so I can update the
image instructions accordingly. I apologize to you and to anyone else if it
turns out I made a VMWare image available with the wrong user ID / password.

Dan Scott
Laurentian University
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