[OPEN-ILS-GENERAL] student downloads in Evergreen

Soulliere, Robert robert.soulliere at mohawkcollege.ca
Tue Apr 13 13:32:58 EDT 2010

Hi Gordana,
Here is how we import students into Evergreen at Mohawk College:
1) Our IT department produces a CSV export file of currently enrolled students at Mohawk from an Oracle database.
2) We ftp the file to the server.
3) We run an SQL transaction script to import the data into our postgresql database. The transaction script does the following:
               1. Creates a staging table  (A) with the data sent from IT.
               2.  creates a second staging table (B) with records from the first staging table. Then the script deletes the records in B which already exist in evergreen.
               3. Adds new fields to  table B  and reformats the data in other fields to fit into the design and format of the evergreen tables.
               4. INSERTS the new records from B into the actor.usr table.
               5. INSERTS new records from B into actor.card table.
               6. UPDATES the actor.usr.card field to match the actor.card.id for the users.
               7.  INSERTS records for new users into the actor.usr.address table.
               8.  UPDATES addresses for all users.
               9.   UPDATES the actor.usr tables to link user to address.
This is probably not the most efficient way to accomplish this, so I expect the professional database administrators to chime in here.
Other important notes:
1. We have a strict one card for one user so this process may not work for organizations or consortiums which may have more than one card per user. Input from users in a consortium environment might be useful here.
2. We do the patron updates a few times at the beginning of each term  not on a daily basis. We try to time it so that we get them loaded after most have registered. Importing students on a daily basis seems like overkill.
3. We run this manually, but this process could be automated to automatically ftp the csv file to a specific location and then run the sql script in a night time cron job.
If you want more details let me know.

From: open-ils-general-bounces at list.georgialibraries.org [mailto:open-ils-general-bounces at list.georgialibraries.org] On Behalf Of Gordana Vitez
Sent: Tuesday, April 13, 2010 10:12 AM
To: open-ils-general at list.georgialibraries.org
Subject: [OPEN-ILS-GENERAL] student downloads in Evergreen

Hi everyone,

Niagara College is getting ready for migration and I have a question for other academic Evergreen sites. How do you handle student downloads? The College uses PeopleSoft and we have been doing daily downloads of student information.

Has anyone else figured out a way to do this with Evergreen?


Gordana Vitez
Library Services & Systems Coordinator
Niagara College Libraries
Welland Campus
300 Woodlawn Rd
Welland Ontario
L3C 7L3
Phone: (905) 735 2211 ext 7404
Fax: (905) 736 6021
gvitez at niagaracollege.ca

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