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Fri Apr 16 10:15:54 EDT 2010

The line item worksheet appears.
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<div class="sect2">
<h3 id="_link_line_items_to_the_catalog">7.7. Link line items to the catalog</h3>
<div class="paragraph"><p>You can link a MARC record or brief record on a selection list to the corresponding MARC record
in the catalog. This may be useful for librarians who have a brief MARC record in their catalog
and want to import a better record that is attached to their selection list. No collision detection
exists when importing an item into the selection list or catalog, so the link to catalog option
enables you to search for a matching record and link to it from the selection list or purchase
order. When you import the record from the purchase order, the record will overlay the linked
record in the catalog.</p></div>
<div class="olist arabic"><ol class="arabic">

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