[OPEN-ILS-GENERAL] Problems with the org chart

John Morris jmorris at beau.org
Thu Dec 16 17:50:38 EST 2010

Vicki already posted about this problem we are having, but I have been
banging on it a bit longer and have more details to post that might

Seems the whole org chart bit is VERY brittle, anything goes wrong and
evergreen is just dead and apparently unfixable by mortals.

What we want for an org chart:

System		Has all patrons
Branch		Owns books

What evergreen wants

Consortium	Doesn't own anything
System		Doesn't own anything
Branch		Owns books and users

Any attempt to build an org chart without System at the second level
fails so for now I'm just going with it and leaving it as a dead level.

Almost all attempts end up with throwing an error when
running /openils/bin/autogen.sh like:

Updating OrgTree HTML
Can't call method "depth" on an undefined value at
org_tree_html_options.pl line 56.

Once that appears there is no way back.  Reversing whatever change
resulted in it's appearance does not make it go away, only nuking the
site from orbit and starting over helps.

By being very careful I can almost get there.

$ osrf_ctl.sh -l -a stop_all
Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg$ ./build-db.sh <params omitted>
$ psql -h dbserver --user evergreen
Welcome to psql 8.3.12 (server 8.3.9), the PostgreSQL interactive
evergreen=# BEGIN;
evergreen=# DELETE FROM actor.org_unit WHERE id > 1;
evergreen=# DELETE FROM actor.org_address WHERE id > 1;
evergreen=# DELETE FROM actor.workstation WHERE owning_lib > 1;
evergreen=# COMMIT;

That was from the wiki scratchpad:setup

$ osrf_ctl.sh -l -a start_all
$ /openils/bin/autogen.sh -c /openils/conf/opensrf_core.xml -u

From a browser navigate to http://{hostname}/cgi-bin/config.cgi
Pick org unit types and update so system can have users.
Again, autogen succeeds.

Now remove can have users from branch and try to update.  It stays
checked.  For a clue, select so that systems can have books.  That also
works.  Now try to uncheck it.  Nope, that too is unreversable.

Change the name of the default top level entry from CONS and autogen
will die every time.  And again, it is an unreversable mistake as
putting it back won't get autogen running.  Nuke the site from orbit

And a possibly related problem is showing in the staff client.  After a
nuke I'm deleting .openils/open_ils_staff_client/ just to be sure.  No
matter, I am consistently getting a dialog saying "TypeError:
g.data.hash.aout[obj.ou_type()] is undefined" on every launch.  However
it doesn't appear fatal since it does launch and everything appears to
work.  It started appearing after my first wipe & reload of the database
and has been consistent since then.  Obviously something on the front
end system also needs to be wiped but I am failing to find a document
saying what to wipe.

Really hope a complete wipe of /openils isn't required for every attempt
since so many appear to be required.
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