[OPEN-ILS-GENERAL] Network errors when attempting z39.50 imports

Raymond Norton admin at lctn.org
Tue Jun 15 09:56:59 EDT 2010

I apologize if this came through twice. I sent it yesterday, but do not 
see that it made it to the list.

  I am able to do search queries with both the yaz and evergreen client 
without any errors. However, I am not able to import MARC records 
directly from the z39.50 screen, or via uploading a csv in MARC batch 
import/export.. Both efforts give me a network error. I cleared the logs 
and set the log level to 4.

This is the error I receive when attempting a z39.50 import:

/openils/var/log/osrfsys.log:open-ils.cstore 2010-06-14 13:46:19 [ERR 
:19773:oils_cstore.c:5045:1276540105197700] open-ils.cstore ERROR No 
"datatype" attribute for field "tcn_value"

Here is what debug shows when using MARC Batch:

opensrf at evergreen:/openils/var/log$ grep ERR /openils/var/log/*.log
/openils/var/log/osrfsys.log:open-ils.cstore 2010-06-14 13:28:22 [ERR 
:19742:oils_cstore.c:4230:1276528286172984] open-ils.cstore: Error 
retrieving vandelay::bib_attr_definition with query [SELECT 
"vqbrad".id, "vqbrad".code, 
oils_i18n_xlate('vandelay.bib_attr_definition', 'vqbrad', 'description', 
'id', "vqbrad".id::TEXT, 'en-US') AS "description", "vqbrad".xpath, 
"vqbrad".remove, "vqbrad".ident FROM vandelay.bib_attr_definition AS 
"vqbrad" WHERE "vqbrad".id IS NOT NULL;]
/openils/var/log/osrfsys.log:[2010-06-14 13:28:22] open-ils.permacrud 
[ERR :19711:CStoreEditor.pm:104:1276528286172984] editor[1|1] request 
error open-ils.cstore.direct.vandelay.bib_attr_definition.search.atomic 
: {"id":{"!=":null}} : Exception: 
OpenSRF::DomainObject::oilsMethodException 2010-06-14T13:28:22 
/openils/lib/perl5/OpenILS/Utils/CStoreEditor.pm:370 <500>  Severe query 
error -- see error log for more details
/openils/var/log/osrfsys.log:[2010-06-14 13:28:22] open-ils.permacrud 
[ERR :19711:EX.pm:66:1276528286172984] Exception: 
OpenSRF::DomainObject::oilsMethodException 2010-06-14T13:28:22 
/openils/lib/perl5/OpenILS/Utils/CStoreEditor.pm:383 <500>  Severe query 
error -- see error log for more details
/openils/var/log/osrfsys.log:open-ils.pcrud 2010-06-14 13:28:22 [ERR 
:19740:oils_cstore.c:5065:1276428412306124] open-ils.pcrud ERROR No 
"datatype" attribute for field "owner"
/openils/var/log/osrfsys.log:open-ils.cstore 2010-06-14 13:28:25 [ERR 
:19764:oils_cstore.c:4230:1276532427181432] open-ils.cstore: Error 
retrieving vandelay::authority_attr_definition with query [SELECT 
"vqarad".id, "vqarad".code, 
oils_i18n_xlate('vandelay.authority_attr_definition', 'vqarad', 
'description', 'id', "vqarad".id::TEXT, 'en-US') AS "description", 
"vqarad".xpath, "vqarad".remove, "vqarad".ident FROM 
vandelay.authority_attr_definition AS "vqarad" WHERE "vqarad".id IS NOT 
/openils/var/log/osrfsys.log:[2010-06-14 13:28:25] open-ils.permacrud 
[ERR :19708:CStoreEditor.pm:104:1276532427181432] editor[1|1] request 
: {"id":{"!=":null}} : Exception: 
OpenSRF::DomainObject::oilsMethodException 2010-06-14T13:28:25 
/openils/lib/perl5/OpenILS/Utils/CStoreEditor.pm:370 <500>  Severe query 
error -- see error log for more details
/openils/var/log/osrfsys.log:[2010-06-14 13:28:25] open-ils.permacrud 
[ERR :19708:EX.pm:66:1276532427181432] Exception: 
OpenSRF::DomainObject::oilsMethodException 2010-06-14T13:28:25 
/openils/lib/perl5/OpenILS/Utils/CStoreEditor.pm:383 <500>  Severe query 
error -- see error log for more details
/openils/var/log/osrfsys.log:open-ils.cstore 2010-06-14 13:28:25 [ERR 
:19767:oils_cstore.c:5065:1276528285172943] open-ils.cstore ERROR No 
"datatype" attribute for field "owner"
/openils/var/log/osrfsys.log:open-ils.cstore 2010-06-14 13:28:25 [ERR 
:19772:oils_cstore.c:5065:1276428412306116] open-ils.cstore ERROR No 
"datatype" attribute for field "owner"
/openils/var/log/osrfsys.log:open-ils.cstore 2010-06-14 13:30:53 [ERR 
:19742:oils_cstore.c:5065:1276532426181422] open-ils.cstore ERROR No 
"datatype" attribute for field "owner"

> The previously attached txt file included instructions for using the Yaz client to test the Z server&  show output from your Z39.50 target(s). The Yaz client is stand-alone and doesn't by itself import records into Evergreen. Its main use for most of us is to test connections to z servers so you can rule out some other Z39.50 client (like Evergreen) from the troubleshooting equation.

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