[OPEN-ILS-GENERAL] Auto-marking overdue item feature

George Tuttle gtuttle at prlib.org
Tue Jun 15 14:12:59 EDT 2010

What I found out about the auto-marking overdue item feature:
1) Auto-marking items as lost after specific overdue period is an
administrator feature in Evergreen 1.6
2) This feature will also be included in Evergreen 2.0
3) It has been successfully deployed by Evergreen Indiana.
4) My flowchart of the process: http://prlib.org/Blog/OverdueToLost2.JPG
(Contact me if it doesn't seem quite right).

How customizable is it? The key variable is the number of overdue days.

How customizable should it be? As a general rule, simple is better. Though
you want your ILS to support your library's policy, you also have to
appreciate that detrimental effect of making software overly complex or
deviating drastically from the basic software. 

Questions? Thoughts? Corrections? 

George Tuttle (http://www.prlib.org/)
Piedmont Regional Library System

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