[OPEN-ILS-GENERAL] ***SPAM*** a truly international Evergreen Conference

Marla Ehlers mehlers at grpl.org
Mon Mar 29 17:55:25 EDT 2010

I know you've all been burning to know just how truly international the 
Evergreen International Conference (http://www.evergreen2010.org/) on 
April 21-23 in Grand Rapids, Michigan, will be.  I'm can assure you that 
the name of the conference is *not *an empty promise.

Sure we have plenty of Americans from all regions attending . . . but we 
also have oodles of Canadians registered.

Now if Canadians, even Canadians coming from both coasts and many points 
in between, just aren't exotic enough for you, consider the Dutch 
contingent coming all the way from the Netherlands.  We're hoping 
they'll bring some zoute or, better yet, Droste chocolates, Wilhelmina 
peppermints, and stroopwafels to share.

And if the thought of speaking with Evergreen aficionados from across 
the pond still isn't enough of a draw for you, how about the chance to 
speak with an Evergreen user from China?  Really!  From China!

Of course, Grand Rapids itself, despite being in the heart of the 
midwest, has plenty to offer with an international flavor.  Try San 
Chez, a tapas bistro (http://www.sanchezbistro.com/) for lunch on 
hackfest day or Marie Catrib's (http://www.mariecatribs.com/) or one of 
the other interesting eateries 
(http://downtowngr.org/biz.php?subcategory_id=12) for which Grand Rapids 
is known.  Or shop in one of Grand Rapids' many diverse boutiques, 
either downtown (http://downtowngr.org/biz.php?maincategory_id=4) or in 
East Hills (http://www.easthillscouncil.org/shop.php) or in other unique 
Grand Rapids neighborhoods.

Yep, it will truly be an *international *Evergreen Conference.  See you 
soon in Grand Rapids!
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