[OPEN-ILS-GENERAL] Request for installation help

John H gadgetfan.john at googlemail.com
Mon May 9 15:37:27 EDT 2011

Hello again

On 8 May 2011 20:46, Jason Etheridge <jason at esilibrary.com> wrote:
>> DBI connect('dbname=evergreen;host=localhost;port=5432','postgres',...)
>> failed:
>> FATAL:  password authentication failed for user "postgres"
> I don't like the look of this.  I'd grep /openils/conf/opensrf.xml for
> <pw> and for <user> and make sure they all agree.
> I'm also a big advocate for this sort of strategy:
> http://evergreen-ils.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=troubleshooting:checking_for_errors

Still a frustrating experience, I'm afraid. Attempting to repeat some
of the OpenSRF installation instructions, I was getting errors from
"ejabberctl register", so I completely removed and reinstalled
ejabberd, which removed these errors.

However, after working through the remainder of the instructions and
seeing no errors, I still got "Received no data" when typing "request
opensrf.math add 2 2". I tried the troubleshooting document mentioned
above but this didn't reveal any obvious problems. Checking
osrfsys.log showed some errors (in the appended text).

I'm not surprised at "Unable to retrieve settings for host localhost"
because the instructions don't mention that exact name, only
private.localhost and public.localhost. Have I missed something
important here?

root at RenforthU:~# pg /openils/var/log/osrfsys.log
opensrf 2011-05-09 20:10:29 [INFO:6357:osrf_system.c:628:] Bootstrapping system
with domain private.localhost, port 5222, and unixpath (none)
opensrf 2011-05-09 20:10:29 [DEBG:6357:osrf_app_session.c:486:] opensrf.settings
 session is stateless
opensrf 2011-05-09 20:10:29 [DEBG:6357:osrf_app_session.c:497:] Building a new c
lient session with id [opensrf.settings] [1304968229.138798.13049682296357]
opensrf 2011-05-09 20:10:29 [DEBG:6357:osrf_app_session.c:1044:] AppSession in q
ueue_wait with timeout 0
opensrf 2011-05-09 20:10:29 [DEBG:6357:osrf_app_session.c:759:] App Session [ope
nsrf.settings] [1304968229.138798.13049682296357] resetting remote id to router@
opensrf 2011-05-09 20:10:29 [INFO:6357:osrf_app_session.c:991:] [opensrf.setting
s] sent 189 bytes of data to router at private.localhost/opensrf.settings
opensrf 2011-05-09 20:10:29 [DEBG:6357:osrf_app_session.c:994:] Sent: [{"__c":"o
opensrf 2011-05-09 20:10:29 [DEBG:6357:osrf_app_session.c:714:] Pushing [1] onto
 request queue for session [opensrf.settings] [1304968229.138798.13049682296357]
opensrf 2011-05-09 20:10:29 [DEBG:6357:osrf_app_session.c:275:] In app_request r
eceive with remaining time [60]
opensrf 2011-05-09 20:10:29 [DEBG:6357:osrf_app_session.c:1044:] AppSession in q
ueue_wait with timeout 0
opensrf 2011-05-09 20:10:29 [INFO:6357:transport_session.c:667:] Received <error
> message with type cancel and code 503
opensrf 2011-05-09 20:10:29 [DEBG:6357:osrf_stack.c:44:] Received message from t
ransport code from router at private.localhost/opensrf.settings
opensrf 2011-05-09 20:10:29 [DEBG:6357:osrf_stack.c:87:] Transport handler recei
ved new message
from router at private.localhost/opensrf.settings to opensrf at private.localhost/sett
ings_grabber_RenforthU_1304968229.134682_6357 with body


opensrf 2011-05-09 20:10:29 [DEBG:6357:osrf_json_object.c:307:] Objects malloc()
'd: 162, Reusable objects captured: 2000, Objects reused: 1941, Current List Len
gth: 59
opensrf 2011-05-09 20:10:29 [DEBG:6357:osrf_stack.c:123:] We received 1 messages
 from router at private.localhost/opensrf.settings
opensrf 2011-05-09 20:10:29 [WARN:6357:osrf_stack.c:134:]  !!! Received Jabber l
ayer error message
opensrf 2011-05-09 20:10:29 [WARN:6357:osrf_stack.c:144:]  * Jabber Error is for
 top level remote  id [router at private.localhost/opensrf.settings], no one to sen
d my message to!  Cutting request short...
opensrf 2011-05-09 20:10:29 [INFO:6357:osrf_stack.c:159:] Message processing dur
ation 0.000078
opensrf 2011-05-09 20:10:29 [DEBG:6357:osrf_stack.c:162:] after msg delete
opensrf 2011-05-09 20:10:29 [ERR :6357:osrf_app_session.c:281:] Transport error
in recv()
opensrf 2011-05-09 20:10:29 [ERR :6357:osrf_settings.c:117:] No osrfMessage rece
ived from host localhost (timeout?)
opensrf 2011-05-09 20:10:29 [DEBG:6357:osrf_app_session.c:1063:] AppSession [ope
nsrf.settings] [1304968229.138798.13049682296357] destroying self and deleting r
opensrf 2011-05-09 20:10:29 [ERR :6357:osrf_settings.c:136:] Unable to load conf
ig for host localhost
opensrf 2011-05-09 20:10:29 [DEBG:6357:socket_bundle.c:475:] removing socket 3
opensrf 2011-05-09 20:10:29 [ERR :6357:osrf_system.c:240:] Unable to retrieve se
ttings for host localhost from configuration file /openils/conf/opensrf_core.xml
opensrf 2011-05-09 20:10:29 [ERR :6357:opensrf.c:38:] Server Loop returned an er
ror condition, exiting with -1

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