[OPEN-ILS-GENERAL] RHEL 6 (was Re: Installing OpenSRF on RHEL5)

Dan Scott dan at coffeecode.net
Tue Sep 13 22:48:44 EDT 2011

On Tue, Sep 13, 2011 at 08:23:07PM -0300, Grant Johnson wrote:
> Anybody got a "manual" set of dependencies to try on rhel 6?

Haven't tried it, but maybe start with the fedora14 target in the
Makefile.install for OpenSRF and Evergreen and customize from there?
Many of the dependencies should line up (IIRC, RHEL 6 was roughly based
on Fedora 13 with some Fedora 14 backports).

FWIW, the following isn't directed specifically at you but more at the
previous thread: support of any distribution depends on either a member
of the community actively contributing patches to the Makefile.install &
README.  I run Fedora personally, ergo I try to ensure that the
Makefile.install & README track Fedora releases; most other contributors
of patches to these files run Debian or Ubuntu LTS releases.

It probably helps that Debian, Ubuntu, and Fedora are all
free-as-in-beer as well as libre, which makes it easy for an interested
volunteer to pick up a copy and install it. In comparison, RHEL licenses
aren't cheap; https://www.redhat.com/wapps/store/allProducts.html
suggests the lowest price is $349 for a Server license. That's a
significant barrier to entry. (Yes, CentOS / Scientific Linux are more
or less equivalent, but undoubtedly the "less equivalent" will
eventually rear its head and cause problems.)

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