[OPEN-ILS-GENERAL] Bookings problem

Brian Greene bgreene at cgcc.cc.or.us
Fri May 4 15:38:07 EDT 2012

This seems to have done the trick as we now get an error message when trying to check out an item for a period that overlaps with a booking for that same item. The error message would be much more useful if it indicated the reason for the problem was that the item is booked to someone else. Right now the error looks like a jumble of characters. Also, it seems like the default for this setting should be true. 
Lastly, I agree with Tara that not being able to edit existing bookings is problematic. 
Columbia Gorge Community College Library
Hood River & The Dalles, Oregon

>>> Elizabeth Longwell <blongwel at eou.edu> 5/3/2012 7:21 AM >>>


I stumbled across a library setting for this "Disallow circulation of items that are on book reserve and that reserve overlaps with the checkout period". Setting this to True should make a difference.

On May 2, 2012 5:46 PM, "Brian Greene" <BGreene at cgcc.cc.or.us> wrote:

Bookings still aren't working properly for us and we'd like to confirm if the problem is local or not. Essentially, Evergreen let's us check out an item for a week to patron A even if it's booked for patron B the following day. As Katie said, it's as though Evergreen doesn't recognize that it is the same item. 
Any thoughts or advice? 

Brian Greene, Library Director
Columbia Gorge Community College 
The Dalles, Oregon 97058
(541) 506-6080 ( tel:%28541%29%20506-6080 ) | www.cgcc.cc.or.us 
>>> "Katie Wallis" <KWallis at cgcc.cc.or.us> 4/18/2012 8:50 AM >>>
Has anyone else had the following problem? A laptop was on reserve and the system let me renew the same laptop to someone else for a due date that was after the booking was requested. It seems if you try to make a booking during the time of an existing one, Evergreen stops you from double-booking it, but it doesn't seem to recognize that checked-out items and booked items are the same things, like they are two separate systems.
Is Evergreen supposed to do this properly and it's a settings issue or does Evergreen bookings just not work?

Katie Wallis
Columbia Gorge Community College Library
400 East Scenic Drive, The Dalles, OR 97058
kwallis at cgcc.cc.or.us | 541-506-6087 ( tel:541-506-6087 )

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