[OPEN-ILS-GENERAL] client 500: Internal Server Error

Ben Wang swang87 at hotmail.com
Wed Jun 18 09:53:40 EDT 2014

New to Evergreen and just finished compiling and starting a test server 
on a private network.  So when I tried to connect via the client, I get 
a "500 : Internal Server Error".  I have already added the SSL exception 
for the self signed certificate.  The Version check comes back with "200 
: OK".  I see the connection request in both the the osrfsys.log and 
apache2/vhost.log.  But nothing about an error of any kind.  I can login 
on the server using srfsh. setting-tester.pl returns with all OK other 
than the pg/dbi driver error (which I think is unnecessary since I am 
running on Ubuntu 12.04).  So where should I look for next?

Ben Wang
Baltimore Science Fiction Society

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