[OPEN-ILS-GENERAL] Circulation Limit Sets - apply only when item owning library = checkout library?

Lindsay Stratton lstratton at pls-net.org
Wed Nov 19 09:53:56 EST 2014

I want to set up circulation checkout limits where ONLY materials belonging to, and checked out from, the circulation limit set owning library are limited. 

Our consortia level policy regarding limiting the number of items to be checked out at one time is to be set per library, applicable to materials owned by that library and checked out from that library only. Other libraries' materials checked out as holds do not count toward the limit, nor do other libraries' materials checked out at other libraries count. 

So for example, Library A wants to limit their DVDs (encompassing 3 different circulation modifiers) to 4 per patron (all patron profiles) at a time, when checked out from Library A. They do NOT want DVDs owned by other libraries that come to fill hold requests or DVDs checked out from/owned by other libraries to count toward that limit. 

I am testing this in 2.2, and 2.7 master, and it appears that it is all libraries' items or nothing, regardless of min depth and global = FALSE. Our org unit hierarchy has 2 levels: CONS > LIB (with 42 libraries). 

Am I missing something, or does this not work if one wants to limit JUST the checkout libraries' materials? 

Lindsay Stratton 
Library Automation Services Manager 
Pioneer Library System 
2557 State Rte 21 
Canandaigua, NY 14424 
585-394-8260 x104 

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