[OPEN-ILS-GENERAL] Results list of the "Call Number (Shelf Browse)" list

Donald Butterworth don.butterworth at asburyseminary.edu
Thu Jan 15 08:00:53 EST 2015

In the "Ditch the "Bib Call Number" search?" thread, Jennifer indicated
that she would prefer a "list view" display as compared to the current
"shelf view" display that returns with a Call Number (Shelf Browse) search.
I too, would prefer a list view. Would anybody else prefer a list view
search result? Would this change be a huge project, given Yamil's comment
that this index is very different than for others indexes?


Don Butterworth
Faculty Associate / Librarian III
B.L. Fisher Library
Asbury Theological Seminary
don.butterworth at asburyseminary.edu
(859) 858-2227
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