[OPEN-ILS-GENERAL] Billing types - why can't I see them?

Walz, Jennifer jlwalz at asbury.edu
Fri Oct 23 17:17:19 EDT 2015


Ah ha!  That helps a great deal.

Thank you very much!


From: Open-ils-general [mailto:open-ils-general-bounces at list.georgialibraries.org] On Behalf Of Jason Etheridge
Sent: Friday, October 23, 2015 5:07 PM
To: Evergreen Discussion Group
Subject: Re: [OPEN-ILS-GENERAL] Billing types - why can't I see them?

> Ok.  So, can you confirm for me that ALL of the ones I listed are system
> generated – even those that seem to be for ATS?
Not definitively, because I don't have access to your system and don't know how it's configured.

This is what the stock billing types look like in
​a pristine test​

 id  |                 name                  | owner | default_price
   1 | Overdue Materials                     |     1 |
   2 | Long Overdue Collection Fee           |     1 |
   3 | Lost Materials                        |     1 |
   4 | Lost Materials Processing Fee         |     1 |
   5 | System: Deposit                       |     1 |
   6 | System: Rental                        |     1 |
   7 | Damaged Item                          |     1 |
   8 | Damaged Item Processing Fee           |     1 |
   9 | Notification Fee                      |     1 |
  10 | Long-Overdue Materials                |     1 |
  11 | Long-Overdue Materials Processing Fee |     1 |
 101 | Misc                                  |     1 |
​The 1 in the owner column refers to the Consortium in most instances.
​​  The Bill Patron interface will automatically filter out any of these that have internal id value less than 100.  So Misc will show up, but not the others.  The id column isn't visible in the Admin -> Server Administration -> Billing Types interface.

Now, the stock org hierarchy looks like this:

CONS -> SYS1 -> BR1
                    -> SL1
             -> BR2
     -> SYS2 -> BR3
                    -> BM1
             -> BR4

If I create a new billing type called Test, belonging to BR1, then I'll only see it in the Bill Patron interface if my workstation library is set to BR1 or SL1, even using a super account with the EVERYTHING permission.  If I login with a BR3 workstation, I'll only see the Misc billing type.

Does that help?

Jason Etheridge
| Community and Migration Manager
| Equinox Software, Inc. / The Open Source Experts
| phone: 1-877-OPEN-ILS (673-6457)
| email: jason at esilibrary.com<mailto:jason at esilibrary.com>
| web: http://www.esilibrary.com
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