[OPEN-ILS-GENERAL] Patron Self Registration

Suzanne Paterno paterno at noblenet.org
Tue Sep 1 09:40:59 EDT 2015

A few of our libraries have started using Patron Self Registration. It’s primarily used as a kiosk with the self registration page as the home page. Libraries send patrons to the registration station or hand them an iPad set to the registration page to fill out their information. We have come discovered a couple problems with the page when used in this fashion. 

1) Patrons can back up over other users information by using the back button. 

2) After one patron completes their registration we’d like the page to timeout and refresh to the blank form again. We’ve tried to force this action but since both the form and the success are in the same tt2 file, the refresh tries to post the form again. Is there a way to make it a redirect back to itself, clearing all the data, instead of a refresh? I have tried resetting the success variable to 0/false so that on refresh it would fall into the form case, but that did not work. 

How are other sites using this form? Does anyone have similar problems? Is there a way around them?


Suzanne Paterno
Systems Support Specialist
North of Boston Library Exchange
Danvers, Massachusetts
paterno at noblenet.org

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