Donald Butterworth don.butterworth at asburyseminary.edu
Mon Jan 30 11:34:49 EST 2017


I have a rather unusual situation. I want to be able to use the Load MARC
Order Record so that I can generate a copy/item record on import, but I do
NOT want to generate a PO.

Load MARC Order Record works fine as long as the "Create Purchase Order"
checkbox is checked. But it returns the error message "... the attempt to
write to the database failed." when unchecked

Is there a parameter that needs to be changed/created so that I can load a
MARC record that has the correct field (962 in our case) to create a
copy/item record but not generate a PO?



Don Butterworth
Collection Management Librarian /
Faculty Associate
B.L. Fisher Library
Asbury Theological Seminary
don.butterworth at asburyseminary.edu
(859) 858-2227
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