[OPEN-ILS-GENERAL] Amnesty project

Rogan Hamby rhamby at equinoxinitiative.org
Fri Jun 26 10:13:43 EDT 2020

Hi Lynn,

I've done a few of these projects on a database level for libraries.  A
quick question, do they want to clear all bills over five years old or all
bills associated with transactions that are more than five years old?  The
difference can lead to some odd edge-case scenarios.  My experience from
making things as simple as possible for the patrons and staff to deal with
is to clear out transactions over five years.  So, some billings might be
more recent but the circ or booking that started them would be more than
five years old.  That really helps remove the oddball cases that cause
confusion in the future. I would also recommend closing out those

You'll also want to consider what you want to do with negative balances.
At a minimum, you don't want to make them worse by applying additional
payment offsets to them and applying a negative forgive payment might work
but makes me twitch uncomfortably.

I'll look to see if I have a script I can share that can be cribbed from
but my general approach is:

a) does the transaction have any payments on it?  If no then void it.
b) is the balance negative?  if so then adjust to zero.
c) the balance is positive?  forgive outstanding amount.

On Fri, Jun 26, 2020 at 9:35 AM Floyd, Angelia Lynn <LFloyd1 at library.in.gov>

> One of our library systems is wanting to do an Amnesty project, and clear
> all bills over 5 yrs old.  Anyone have a script we can start with? Or any
> gotchas We should know about?
> -----------------------------
> Lynn Floyd
> MIS Supervisor
> Indiana State Library
> https://www.in.gov/library/
> 315 W Ohio St
> Indianapolis, IN 46202
> 317-232-3290
> lfloyd1 at library.in.gov
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