[Opensrf-commits] r992 - in trunk/src/perlmods/OpenSRF: . DomainObject

svn at svn.open-ils.org svn at svn.open-ils.org
Wed Jul 4 16:12:01 EDT 2007

Author: miker
Date: 2007-07-04 16:08:15 -0400 (Wed, 04 Jul 2007)
New Revision: 992

removing vestigial DOM code from back when opensrf talked XML

Modified: trunk/src/perlmods/OpenSRF/AppSession.pm
--- trunk/src/perlmods/OpenSRF/AppSession.pm	2007-07-02 22:07:02 UTC (rev 991)
+++ trunk/src/perlmods/OpenSRF/AppSession.pm	2007-07-04 20:08:15 UTC (rev 992)
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 package OpenSRF::AppSession;
-use OpenSRF::DOM;
+#use OpenSRF::DOM;
 #use OpenSRF::DOM::Element::userAuth;
 use OpenSRF::DomainObject::oilsMessage;
 use OpenSRF::DomainObject::oilsMethod;

Deleted: trunk/src/perlmods/OpenSRF/DOM.pm
--- trunk/src/perlmods/OpenSRF/DOM.pm	2007-07-02 22:07:02 UTC (rev 991)
+++ trunk/src/perlmods/OpenSRF/DOM.pm	2007-07-04 20:08:15 UTC (rev 992)
@@ -1,289 +0,0 @@
-use XML::LibXML;
-use OpenSRF::Utils::Logger qw(:level);
-package XML::LibXML::Element;
-use OpenSRF::EX;
-	my $self = shift;
-	(my $name = $AUTOLOAD) =~ s/.*://;   # strip fully-qualified portion
-	### Check for recursion
-	my $calling_method = (caller(1))[3];
-	my @info = caller(1);
-	if( @info ) {
-		if ($info[0] =~ /AUTOLOAD/) { @info = caller(2); }
-	}
-	unless( @info ) { @info = caller(); }
-	if( $calling_method  and $calling_method eq "XML::LibXML::Element::AUTOLOAD" ) {
-		throw OpenSRF::EX::PANIC ( "RECURSION! Caller [ @info ] | Object [ ".ref($self)." ]\n ** Trying to call $name", ERROR );
-	}
-	### Check for recursion
-	#OpenSRF::Utils::Logger->debug( "Autoloading method for DOM: $AUTOLOAD on ".$self->toString, INTERNAL );
-	my $new_node = OpenSRF::DOM::upcast($self);
-	OpenSRF::Utils::Logger->debug( "Autoloaded to: ".ref($new_node), INTERNAL );
-	return $new_node->$name(@_);
-package OpenSRF::DOM;
-use base qw/XML::LibXML OpenSRF/;
-our %_NAMESPACE_MAP = (
-	'http://open-ils.org/xml/namespaces/oils_v1' => 'oils',
-our $_one_true_parser;
-sub new {
-	my $self = shift;
-	return $_one_true_parser if (defined $_one_true_parser);
-	$_one_true_parser = $self->SUPER::new(@_);
-	$_one_true_parser->keep_blanks(0);
-	$XML::LibXML::skipXMLDeclaration = 0;
-	return $_one_true_parser = $self->SUPER::new(@_);
-sub createDocument {
-	my $self = shift;
-	# DOM API: createDocument(namespaceURI, qualifiedName, doctype?)
-	my $doc = XML::LibXML::Document->new("1.0", "UTF-8");
-	my $el = $doc->createElement('root');
-	$el->setNamespace('http://open-ils.org/xml/namespaces/oils_v1', 'oils', 1);
-	$doc->setDocumentElement($el);
-	return $doc;
-my %_loaded_classes;
-sub upcast {
-	my $node = shift;
-	return undef unless $node;
-	my ($ns,$tag) = split ':' => $node->nodeName;
-	return $node unless ($ns eq 'oils');
-	my $class = "OpenSRF::DOM::Element::$tag";
-	unless (exists $_loaded_classes{$class}) {
-		$class->use;
-		$_loaded_classes{$class} = 1;
-	}
-	if ($@) {
-		OpenSRF::Utils::Logger->error("Couldn't use $class! $@");
-	}
-	#OpenSRF::Utils::Logger->debug("Upcasting ".$node->toString." to $class", INTERNAL);
-	return bless $node => $class;
-package OpenSRF::DOM::Node;
-use base 'XML::LibXML::Node';
-sub new {
-	my $class = shift;
-	return bless $class->SUPER::new(@_) => $class;
-sub childNodes {
-	my $self = shift;
-	my @children = $self->_childNodes();
-	return wantarray ? @children : OpenSRF::DOM::NodeList->new( @children );
-sub attributes {
-	my $self = shift;
-	my @attr = $self->_attributes();
-	return wantarray ? @attr : OpenSRF::DOM::NamedNodeMap->new( @attr );
-sub findnodes {
-	my ($node, $xpath) = @_;
-	my @nodes = $node->_findnodes($xpath);
-	if (wantarray) {
-		return @nodes;
-	} else {
-		return OpenSRF::DOM::NodeList->new(@nodes);
-	}
-package OpenSRF::DOM::NamedNodeMap;
-use base 'XML::LibXML::NamedNodeMap';
-package OpenSRF::DOM::NodeList;
-use base 'XML::LibXML::NodeList';
-package OpenSRF::DOM::Element;
-use base 'XML::LibXML::Element';
-sub new {
-	my $class = shift;
-	# magically create the element (tag) name, or build a blank element
-	(my $name = $class) =~ s/^OpenSRF::DOM::Element:://;
-	if ($name) {
-		$name = "oils:$name";
-	} else {
-		undef $name;
-	}
-	my $self = $class->SUPER::new($name);
-	my %attrs = @_;
-	for my $aname (keys %attrs) {
-		$self->setAttribute($aname, $attrs{$aname});
-	}
-	return $self;
-sub getElementsByTagName {
-    my ( $node , $name ) = @_;
-        my $xpath = "descendant::$name";
-    my @nodes = $node->_findnodes($xpath);
-        return wantarray ? @nodes : OpenSRF::DOM::NodeList->new(@nodes);
-sub  getElementsByTagNameNS {
-    my ( $node, $nsURI, $name ) = @_;
-    my $xpath = "descendant::*[local-name()='$name' and namespace-uri()='$nsURI']";
-    my @nodes = $node->_findnodes($xpath);
-    return wantarray ? @nodes : OpenSRF::DOM::NodeList->new(@nodes);
-sub getElementsByLocalName {
-    my ( $node,$name ) = @_;
-    my $xpath = "descendant::*[local-name()='$name']";
-    my @nodes = $node->_findnodes($xpath);
-    return wantarray ? @nodes : OpenSRF::DOM::NodeList->new(@nodes);
-sub getChildrenByLocalName {
-    my ( $node,$name ) = @_;
-    my $xpath = "./*[local-name()='$name']";
-    my @nodes = $node->_findnodes($xpath);
-    return @nodes;
-sub getChildrenByTagName {
-    my ( $node, $name ) = @_;
-    my @nodes = grep { $_->nodeName eq $name } $node->childNodes();
-    return @nodes;
-sub getChildrenByTagNameNS {
-    my ( $node, $nsURI, $name ) = @_;
-    my $xpath = "*[local-name()='$name' and namespace-uri()='$nsURI']";
-    my @nodes = $node->_findnodes($xpath);
-    return @nodes;
-sub appendWellBalancedChunk {
-    my ( $self, $chunk ) = @_;
-    my $local_parser = OpenSRF::DOM->new();
-    my $frag = $local_parser->parse_xml_chunk( $chunk );
-    $self->appendChild( $frag );
-package OpenSRF::DOM::Element::root;
-use base 'OpenSRF::DOM::Element';
-package OpenSRF::DOM::Text;
-use base 'XML::LibXML::Text';
-package OpenSRF::DOM::Comment;
-use base 'XML::LibXML::Comment';
-package OpenSRF::DOM::CDATASection;
-use base 'XML::LibXML::CDATASection';
-package OpenSRF::DOM::Document;
-use base 'XML::LibXML::Document';
-sub empty {
-	my $self = shift;
-	return undef unless (ref($self));
-	$self->documentElement->removeChild($_) for $self->documentElement->childNodes;
-	return $self;
-sub new {
-	my $class = shift;
-	return bless $class->SUPER::new(@_) => $class;
-sub getElementsByTagName {
-	my ( $doc , $name ) = @_;
-	my $xpath = "descendant-or-self::node()/$name";
-	my @nodes = $doc->_findnodes($xpath);
-	return wantarray ? @nodes : OpenSRF::DOM::NodeList->new(@nodes);
-sub  getElementsByTagNameNS {
-	my ( $doc, $nsURI, $name ) = @_;
-	my $xpath = "descendant-or-self::*[local-name()='$name' and namespace-uri()='$nsURI']";
-	my @nodes = $doc->_findnodes($xpath);
-	return wantarray ? @nodes : OpenSRF::DOM::NodeList->new(@nodes);
-sub getElementsByLocalName {
-	my ( $doc,$name ) = @_;
-	my $xpath = "descendant-or-self::*[local-name()='$name']";
-	my @nodes = $doc->_findnodes($xpath);
-	return wantarray ? @nodes : OpenSRF::DOM::NodeList->new(@nodes);
-package OpenSRF::DOM::DocumentFragment;
-use base 'XML::LibXML::DocumentFragment';
-package OpenSRF::DOM::Attr;
-use base 'XML::LibXML::Attr';
-package OpenSRF::DOM::Dtd;
-use base 'XML::LibXML::Dtd';
-package OpenSRF::DOM::PI;
-use base 'XML::LibXML::PI';
-package OpenSRF::DOM::Namespace;
-use base 'XML::LibXML::Namespace';
-sub isEqualNode {
-	my ( $self, $ref ) = @_;
-	if ( $ref->isa("XML::LibXML::Namespace") ) {
-		return $self->_isEqual($ref);
-	}
-	return 0;
-package OpenSRF::DOM::Schema;
-use base 'XML::LibXML::Schema';

Deleted: trunk/src/perlmods/OpenSRF/DomainObject/oilsMultiSearch.pm
--- trunk/src/perlmods/OpenSRF/DomainObject/oilsMultiSearch.pm	2007-07-02 22:07:02 UTC (rev 991)
+++ trunk/src/perlmods/OpenSRF/DomainObject/oilsMultiSearch.pm	2007-07-04 20:08:15 UTC (rev 992)
@@ -1,186 +0,0 @@
-package OpenSRF::DomainObjectCollection::oilsMultiSearch;
-use OpenSRF::DomainObjectCollection;
-use OpenSRF::DomainObject::oilsPrimitive;
-use OpenSRF::DomainObject::oilsSearch;
-use OpenSRF::DOM::Element::searchCriteria;
-use OpenSRF::DOM::Element::searchCriterium;
-use base 'OpenSRF::DomainObjectCollection::oilsHash';
-sub new {
-	my $class = shift;
-	my %args = @_;
-	$class = ref($class) || $class;
-	my $self = $class->SUPER::new;
-	tie my %hash, 'OpenSRF::DomainObjectCollection::oilsHash', $self;
-	$self->set( bind_count	=> 1 );
-	$self->set( searches	=> new OpenSRF::DomainObjectCollection::oilsHash );
-	$self->set( relators	=> new OpenSRF::DomainObjectCollection::oilsArray );
-	$self->set( fields	=> new OpenSRF::DomainObjectCollection::oilsArray );
-	$self->set( group_by	=> new OpenSRF::DomainObjectCollection::oilsArray );
-	$self->set( order_by	=> new OpenSRF::DomainObjectCollection::oilsArray );
-	return $self;
-sub add_subsearch {
-	my $self = shift;
-	my $alias = shift;
-	my $search = shift;
-	my $relator = shift;
-	$search = OpenSRF::DomainObject::oilsSearch->new($search) if (ref($search) eq 'ARRAY');
-	$self->searches->set( $alias => $search );
-	if ($self->searches->size > 1) {
-		throw OpenSRF::EX::InvalidArg ('You need to pass a relator searchCriterium')
-			unless (defined $relator);
-	}
-	$relator = OpenSRF::DOM::Element::searchCriterium->new( @$relator )
-		if (ref($relator) eq 'ARRAY');
-	$self->relators->push( $relator ) if (defined $relator);
-	return $self;
-sub relators {
-	return $_[0]->_accessor('relators');
-sub searches {
-	return $_[0]->_accessor('searches');
-sub fields {
-	my $self = shift;
-	my @parts = @_;
-	if (@parts) {
-		$self->set( fields => OpenSRF::DomainObjectCollection::oilsArray->new(@_) );
-	}
-	return $self->_accessor('fields')->list;
-sub format {
-	$_[0]->set( format => $_[1] ) if (defined $_[1]);
-	return $_[0]->_accessor('format');
-sub limit {
-	$_[0]->set( limit => $_[1] ) if (defined $_[1]);
-	return $_[0]->_accessor('limit');
-sub offset {
-	$_[0]->set( offset => $_[1] ) if (defined $_[1]);
-	return $_[0]->_accessor('offset');
-sub chunk_key {
-	$_[0]->set( chunk_key => $_[1] ) if (defined $_[1]);
-	return $_[0]->_accessor('chunk_key');
-sub order_by {
-	my $self = shift;
-	my @parts = @_;
-	if (@parts) {
-		$self->set( order_by => OpenSRF::DomainObjectCollection::oilsArray->new(@_) );
-	}
-	return $self->_accessor('order_by')->list;
-sub group_by {
-	my $self = shift;
-	my @parts = @_;
-	if (@parts) {
-		$self->set( group_by => OpenSRF::DomainObjectCollection::oilsArray->new(@_) );
-	}
-	return $self->_accessor('group_by')->list;
-sub SQL_select_list {
-	my $self = shift;
-	if (my $sql = $self->_accessor('sql_select_list')) {
-		return $sql;
-	}
-	$self->set( sql_select_list => 'SELECT '.join(', ', $self->fields) ) if defined($self->fields);
-	return $self->_accessor('sql_select_list');
-sub SQL_group_by {
-	my $self = shift;
-	if (my $sql = $self->_accessor('sql_group_by')) {
-		return $sql;
-	}
-	$self->set( sql_group_by => 'GROUP BY '.join(', ', $self->group_by) ) if defined($self->group_by);
-	return $self->_accessor('sql_group_by');
-sub SQL_order_by {
-	my $self = shift;
-	if (my $sql = $self->_accessor('sql_order_by')) {
-		return $sql;
-	}
-	$self->set( sql_order_by => 'ORDER BY '.join(', ', $self->order_by) ) if defined($self->order_by);
-	return $self->_accessor('sql_order_by');
-sub SQL_offset {
-	my $self = shift;
-	if (my $sql = $self->_accessor('sql_offset')) {
-		return $sql;
-	}
-	$self->set( sql_offset => 'OFFSET '.$self->offset ) if defined($self->offset);
-	return $self->_accessor('sql_offset');
-sub SQL_limit {
-	my $self = shift;
-	if (my $sql = $self->_accessor('sql_limit')) {
-		return $sql;
-	}
-	$self->set( sql_limit => 'LIMIT '.$self->limit ) if defined($self->limit);
-	return $self->_accessor('sql_limit');
-sub toSQL {
-	my $self = shift;
-	my $SQL = $self->SQL_select_list.' FROM ';
-	my @subselects;
-	for my $search ( $self->searches->keys ) {
-		push @subselects, '('.$self->searches->_accessor($search)->toSQL.') '.$search;
-	}
-	$SQL .= join(', ', @subselects).' WHERE ';
-	my @relators;
-	for my $rel ( $self->relators->list ) {
-		push @relators, $rel->value->toSQL( no_quote => 1 );
-	}
-	$SQL .= join(' AND ', @relators).' ';
-	$SQL .= join ' ', ($self->SQL_group_by, $self->SQL_order_by, $self->SQL_limit, $self->SQL_offset);
-	return $SQL;
-#this is just to allow DomainObject to "upcast" nicely
-package OpenSRF::DomainObject::oilsMultiSearch;
-use base OpenSRF::DomainObjectCollection::oilsMultiSearch;

Deleted: trunk/src/perlmods/OpenSRF/DomainObject/oilsPrimitive.pm
--- trunk/src/perlmods/OpenSRF/DomainObject/oilsPrimitive.pm	2007-07-02 22:07:02 UTC (rev 991)
+++ trunk/src/perlmods/OpenSRF/DomainObject/oilsPrimitive.pm	2007-07-04 20:08:15 UTC (rev 992)
@@ -1,623 +0,0 @@
-package OpenSRF::DomainObject::oilsScalar;
-use base 'OpenSRF::DomainObject';
-use OpenSRF::DomainObject;
-=head1 NAME
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-  use OpenSRF::DomainObject::oilsScalar;
-  my $text = OpenSRF::DomainObject::oilsScalar->new( 'a string or number' );
-  $text->value( 'replacement value' );
-  print "$text"; # stringify
-   ...
-  $text->value( 1 );
-  if( $text ) { # boolify
-   ...
-  $text->value( rand() * 1000 );
-  print 10 + $text; # numify
-    Or, using the TIE interface:
-  my $scalar;
-  my $real_object = tie($scalar, 'OpenSRF::DomainObject::oilsScalar', "a string to store...");
-  $scalar = "a new string";
-  print $scalar . "\n";
-  print $real_object->toString . "\n";
-=head1 METHODS
-=head2 OpenSRF::DomainObject::oilsScalar->value( [$new_value] )
-=over 4
-Sets or gets the value of the scalar.  As above, this can be specified
-as a build attribute as well as added to a prebuilt oilsScalar object.
-use overload '""'   => sub { return ''.$_[0]->value };
-use overload '0+'   => sub { return int($_[0]->value) };
-use overload '<=>'   => sub { return int($_[0]->value) <=> $_[1] };
-use overload 'bool' => sub { return 1 if ($_[0]->value); return 0 };
-sub new {
-	my $class = shift;
-	$class = ref($class) || $class;
-	my $value = shift;
-	return $value
-		if (	defined $value and
-			ref $value and $value->can('base_type') and
-			UNIVERSAL::isa($value->class, __PACKAGE__) and
-			!scalar(@_)
-		);
-	my $self = $class->SUPER::new;
-	if (ref($value) and ref($value) eq 'SCALAR') {
-		$self->value($$value);
-		tie( $$value, ref($self->upcast), $self);
-	} else {
-		$self->value($value) if (defined $value);
-	}
-	return $self;
-	return CORE::shift()->new(@_);
-sub value {
-	my $self = shift;
-	my $value = shift;
-	if ( defined $value ) {
-		$self->removeChild($_) for ($self->childNodes);
-		if (ref($value) && $value->isa('XML::LibXML::Node')) {
-			#throw OpenSRF::EX::NotADomainObject
-			#	unless ($value->nodeName =~ /^oils:domainObject/o);
-			$self->appendChild($value);
-		} elsif (defined $value) {
-			$self->appendText( ''.$value );
-		}
-		return $value
-	} else {
-		$value = $self->firstChild;
-		if ($value) {
-			if ($value->nodeType == 3) {
-				return $value->textContent;
-			} else {
-				return $value;
-			}
-		}
-		return undef;
-	}
-sub FETCH { $_[0]->value }
-sub STORE { $_[0]->value($_[1]) }
-package OpenSRF::DomainObject::oilsPair;
-use base 'OpenSRF::DomainObject::oilsScalar';
-=head1 NAME
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-  use OpenSRF::DomainObject::oilsPair;
-  my $pair = OpenSRF::DomainObject::oilsPair->new( 'key_for_pair' => 'a string or number' );
-  $pair->key( 'replacement key' );
-  $pair->value( 'replacement value' );
-  print "$pair"; # stringify 'value'
-   ...
-  $pair->value( 1 );
-  if( $pair ) { # boolify
-   ...
-  $pair->value( rand() * 1000 );
-  print 10 + $pair; # numify 'value'
-=head1 ABSTRACT
-This class impliments a "named pair" object.  This is the basis for
-hash-type domain objects.
-=head1 METHODS
-=head2 OpenSRF::DomainObject::oilsPair->value( [$new_value] )
-=over 4
-Sets or gets the value of the pair.  As above, this can be specified
-as a build attribute as well as added to a prebuilt oilsPair object.
-=head2 OpenSRF::DomainObject::oilsPair->key( [$new_key] )
-=over 4
-Sets or gets the key of the pair.  As above, this can be specified
-as a build attribute as well as added to a prebuilt oilsPair object.
-This must be a perlish scalar; any string or number that is valid as the 
-attribute on an XML node will work.
-use overload '""'   => sub { return ''.$_[0]->value };
-use overload '0+'   => sub { return int($_[0]->value) };
-use overload 'bool' => sub { return 1 if ($_[0]->value); return 0 };
-sub new {
-	my $class = shift;
-	my ($key, $value) = @_;
-	my $self = $class->SUPER::new($value);
-	$self->setAttribute( key => $key);
-	return $self;
-sub key {
-	my $self = shift;
-	my $key = shift;
-	$self->setAttribute( key => $key) if ($key);
-	return $self->getAttribute( 'key' );
-package OpenSRF::DomainObjectCollection::oilsArray;
-use base qw/OpenSRF::DomainObjectCollection Tie::Array/;
-use OpenSRF::DomainObjectCollection;
-=head1 NAME
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-  use OpenSRF::DomainObject::oilsPrimitive;
-  my $collection = OpenSRF::DomainObjectCollection::oilsArray->new( $domain_object, $another_domain_object, ...);
-  $collection->push( 'appended value' );
-  $collection->unshift( 'prepended vaule' );
-  my $first = $collection->shift;
-  my $last = $collection->pop;
-   ...
-  my @values = $collection->list;
-    Or, using the TIE interface:
-  my @array;
-  my $real_object = tie(@array, 'OpenSRF::DomainObjectCollection::oilsArray', $domain, $objects, 'to', $store);
-      or to tie an existing $collection object
-  my @array;
-  tie(@array, 'OpenSRF::DomainObjectCollection::oilsArray', $collection);
-      or even....
-  my @array;
-  tie(@array, ref($collection), $collection);
-  $array[2] = $DomainObject; # replaces 'to' (which is now an OpenSRF::DomainObject::oilsScalar) above
-  delete( $array[3] ); # removes '$store' above.
-  my $size = scalar( @array );
-  print $real_object->toString;
-=head1 ABSTRACT
-This package impliments array-like domain objects.  A full tie interface
-is also provided.  If elements are passed in as strings (or numbers) they
-are turned into oilsScalar objects.  Any simple scalar or Domain Object may
-be stored in the array.
-=head1 METHODS
-=head2 OpenSRF::DomainObjectCollection::oilsArray->list()
-=over 4
-Returns the array of 'OpenSRF::DomainObject's that this collection contains.
-sub tie_me {
-	my $class = shift;
-	$class = ref($class) || $class;
-	my $node = shift;
-	my @array;
-	tie @array, $class, $node;
-	return \@array;
-# an existing DomainObjectCollection::oilsArray can now be tied
-	return CORE::shift()->new(@_);
-sub new {
-	my $class = CORE::shift;
-	$class = ref($class) || $class;
-	my $first = CORE::shift;
-	return $first
-		if (	defined $first and
-			ref $first and $first->can('base_type') and
-			UNIVERSAL::isa($first->class, __PACKAGE__) and
-			!scalar(@_)
-		);
-	my $self = $class->SUPER::new;
-	my @args = @_;
-	if (ref($first) and ref($first) eq 'ARRAY') {
-		push @args, @$first;
-		tie( @$first, ref($self->upcast), $self);
-	} else {
-		unshift @args, $first if (defined $first);
-	}
-	$self->STORE($self->FETCHSIZE, $_) for (@args);
-	return $self;
-sub STORE {
-	my $self = CORE::shift;
-	my ($index, $value) = @_;
-	$value = OpenSRF::DomainObject::oilsScalar->new($value)
-		unless ( ref $value and $value->nodeName =~ /^oils:domainObject/o );
-	$self->_expand($index) unless ($self->EXISTS($index));
-	($self->childNodes)[$index]->replaceNode( $value );
-	return $value->upcast;
-sub push {
-	my $self = CORE::shift;
-	my @values = @_;
-	$self->STORE($self->FETCHSIZE, $_) for (@values);
-sub pop {
-	my $self = CORE::shift;
-	my $node = $self->SUPER::pop;
-	if ($node) {
-		if ($node->base_type eq 'oilsScalar') {
-			return $node->value;
-		}
-		return $node->upcast;
-	}
-sub unshift {
-	my $self = CORE::shift;
-	my @values = @_;
-	$self->insertBefore($self->firstChild, $_ ) for (reverse @values);
-sub shift {
-	my $self = CORE::shift;
-	my $node = $self->SUPER::shift;
-	if ($node) {
-		if ($node->base_type eq 'oilsScalar') {
-			return $node->value;
-		}
-		return $node->upcast;
-	}
-sub FETCH {
-	my $self = CORE::shift;
-	my $index = CORE::shift;
-	my $node =  ($self->childNodes)[$index]->upcast;
-	if ($node) {
-		if ($node->base_type eq 'oilsScalar') {
-			return $node->value;
-		}
-		return $node->upcast;
-	}
-sub size {
-	my $self = CORE::shift;
-	scalar($self->FETCHSIZE)
-	my $self = CORE::shift;
-	my @a = $self->childNodes;
-	return scalar(@a);
-sub _expand {
-	my $self = CORE::shift;
-	my $count = CORE::shift;
-	my $size = $self->FETCHSIZE;
-	for ($size..$count) {
-		$self->SUPER::push( new OpenSRF::DomainObject::oilsScalar );
-	}
-	my $self = CORE::shift;
-	my $count = CORE::shift;
-	my $size = $self->FETCHSIZE - 1;
-	if (defined $count and $count != $size) {
-		if ($size < $count) {
-			$self->_expand($count);
-			$size = $self->FETCHSIZE - 1;
-		} else {
-			while ($size > $count) {
-				$self->SUPER::pop;
-				$size = $self->FETCHSIZE - 1;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	return $size
-sub EXISTS {
-	my $self = CORE::shift;
-	my $index = CORE::shift;
-	return $self->FETCHSIZE > abs($index) ? 1 : 0;
-sub CLEAR {
-	my $self = CORE::shift;
-	$self->STORESIZE(0);
-	return $self;
-sub DELETE {
-	my $self = CORE::shift;
-	my $index = CORE::shift;
-	return $self->removeChild( ($self->childNodes)[$index] );
-package OpenSRF::DomainObjectCollection::oilsHash;
-use base qw/OpenSRF::DomainObjectCollection Tie::Hash/;
-=head1 NAME
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-  use OpenSRF::DomainObject::oilsPrimitive;
-  my $collection = OpenSRF::DomainObjectCollection::oilsHash->new( key1 => $domain_object, key2 => $another_domain_object, ...);
-  $collection->set( key =>'value' );
-  my $value = $collection->find( $key );
-  my $dead_value = $collection->remove( $key );
-  my @keys = $collection->keys;
-  my @values = $collection->values;
-    Or, using the TIE interface:
-  my %hash;
-  my $real_object = tie(%hash, 'OpenSRF::DomainObjectCollection::oilsHash', domain => $objects, to => $store);
-      or to tie an existing $collection object
-  my %hash;
-  tie(%hash, 'OpenSRF::DomainObjectCollection::oilsHash', $collection);
-      or even....
-  my %hash;
-  tie(%hash, ref($collection), $collection);
-      or perhaps ...
-  my $content = $session->recv->content; # eh? EH?!?!
-  tie(my %hash, ref($content), $content);
-  $hash{domain} = $DomainObject; # replaces value for key 'domain' above
-  delete( $hash{to} ); # removes 'to => $store' above.
-  for my $key ( keys %hash ) {
-    ... do stuff ...
-  }
-  print $real_object->toString;
-=head1 ABSTRACT
-This package impliments hash-like domain objects.  A full tie interface
-is also provided.  If elements are passed in as strings (or numbers) they
-are turned into oilsScalar objects.  Any simple scalar or Domain Object may
-be stored in the hash.
-sub tie_me {
-	my $class = shift;
-	$class = ref($class) || $class;
-	my $node = shift;
-	my %hash;
-	tie %hash, $class, $node;
-	return %hash;
-sub keys {
-	my $self = shift;
-	return map { $_->key } $self->childNodes;
-sub values {
-	my $self = shift;
-	return map { $_->value } $self->childNodes;
-# an existing DomainObjectCollection::oilsHash can now be tied
-sub TIEHASH {
-	return shift()->new(@_);
-sub new {
-	my $class = shift;
-	$class = ref($class) || $class;
-	my $first = shift;
-	return $first
-		if (	defined $first and
-			ref $first and $first->can('base_type') and
-			UNIVERSAL::isa($first->class, __PACKAGE__) and
-			!scalar(@_)
-		);
-	my $self = $class->SUPER::new;
-	my @args = @_;
-	if (ref($first) and ref($first) eq 'HASH') {
-		push @args, %$first;
-		tie( %$first, ref($self->upcast), $self);
-	} else {
-		unshift @args, $first if (defined $first);
-	}
-	my %arg_hash = @args;
-	while ( my ($key, $value) = each(%arg_hash) ) {
-		$self->STORE($key => $value);
-	}
-	return $self;
-sub STORE {
-	shift()->set(@_);
-sub set {
-	my $self = shift;
-	my ($key, $value) = @_;
-	my $node = $self->find_node($key);
-	return $node->value( $value ) if (defined $node);
-	return $self->appendChild( OpenSRF::DomainObject::oilsPair->new($key => $value) );
-sub _accessor {
-	my $self = shift;
-	my $key = shift;
-	my $node = find_node($self, $key);
-	return $node->value if ($node);
-sub find_node {
-	my $self = shift;
-	my $key = shift;
-	return ($self->findnodes("oils:domainObject[\@name=\"oilsPair\" and \@key=\"$key\"]", $self))[0];
-sub find {
-	my $self = shift;
-	my $key = shift;
-	my $node = $self->find_node($key);
-	my $value = $node->value if (defined $node);
-	return $value;
-sub size {
-	my $self = CORE::shift;
-	my @a = $self->childNodes;
-	return scalar(@a);
-sub FETCH {
-	my $self = shift;
-	my $key = shift;
-	return $self->find($key);
-sub EXISTS {
-	my $self = shift;
-	my $key = shift;
-	return $self->find_node($key);
-sub CLEAR {
-	my $self = shift;
-	$self->removeChild for ($self->childNodes);
-	return $self;
-sub DELETE {
-	shift()->remove(@_);
-sub remove {
-	my $self = shift;
-	my $key = shift;
-	return $self->removeChild( $self->find_node($key) );
-	my $self = shift;
-	return $self->firstChild->key;
-sub NEXTKEY {
-	my $self = shift;
-	my $key = shift;
-	my ($prev_node) = $self->find_node($key);
-	my $last_node = $self->lastChild;
-	if ($last_node and $last_node->key eq $prev_node->key) {
-		return undef;
-	} else {
-		return $prev_node->nextSibling->key;
-	}
-package OpenSRF::DomainObject::oilsHash;
-use base qw/OpenSRF::DomainObjectCollection::oilsHash/;
-package OpenSRF::DomainObject::oilsArray;
-use base qw/OpenSRF::DomainObjectCollection::oilsArray/;

Deleted: trunk/src/perlmods/OpenSRF/DomainObject/oilsSearch.pm
--- trunk/src/perlmods/OpenSRF/DomainObject/oilsSearch.pm	2007-07-02 22:07:02 UTC (rev 991)
+++ trunk/src/perlmods/OpenSRF/DomainObject/oilsSearch.pm	2007-07-04 20:08:15 UTC (rev 992)
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-package OpenSRF::DomainObject::oilsSearch;
-use OpenSRF::DomainObject;
-use OpenSRF::DomainObject::oilsPrimitive;
-use OpenSRF::DOM::Element::searchCriteria;
-use base 'OpenSRF::DomainObject';
-sub new {
-	my $class = shift;
-	$class = ref($class) || $class;
-	unshift @_, 'table' if (@_ == 1);
-	my %args = @_;
-	my $self = $class->SUPER::new;
-	for my $part ( keys %args ) {
-		if ($part ne 'criteria') {
-			$self->$part( $args{$part} );
-			next;
-		}
-		$self->criteria( OpenSRF::DOM::Element::searchCriteria->new( @{$args{$part}} ) );
-	}
-	return $self;
-sub format {
-	my $self = shift;
-	return $self->_attr_get_set( format => shift );
-sub table {
-	my $self = shift;
-	return $self->_attr_get_set( table => shift );
-sub fields {
-	my $self = shift;
-	my $new_fields_ref = shift;
-	my ($old_fields) = $self->getChildrenByTagName("oils:domainObjectCollection");
-	if ($new_fields_ref) {
-		my $do = OpenSRF::DomainObjectCollection::oilsArray->new( @$new_fields_ref );
-		if (defined $old_fields) {
-			$old_fields->replaceNode($do);
-		} else {
-			$self->appendChild($do);
-			return $do->list;
-		}
-	}
-	return $old_fields->list if ($old_fields);
-sub limit {
-	my $self = shift;
-	return $self->_attr_get_set( limit => shift );
-sub offset {
-	my $self = shift;
-	return $self->_attr_get_set( offset => shift );
-sub group_by {
-	my $self = shift;
-	return $self->_attr_get_set( group_by => shift );
-sub criteria {
-	my $self = shift;
-	my $new_crit = shift;
-	if (@_) {
-		unshift @_, $new_crit;
-		$new_crit = OpenSRF::DOM::Element::searchCriteria->new(@_);
-	}
-	my ($old_crit) = $self->getChildrenByTagName("oils:searchCriteria");
-	if (defined $new_crit) {
-		if (defined $old_crit) {
-			$old_crit->replaceNode($new_crit);
-		} else {
-			$self->appendChild($new_crit);
-			return $new_crit;
-		}
-	}
-	return $old_crit;
-sub toSQL {
-	my $self = shift;
-	my $SQL  = 'SELECT    ' . join(',', $self->fields);
-	   $SQL .= '  FROM    ' . $self->table;
-	   $SQL .= '  WHERE   ' . $self->criteria->toSQL if ($self->criteria);
-	   $SQL .= ' GROUP BY ' . $self->group_by if ($self->group_by);
-	   $SQL .= '  LIMIT   ' . $self->limit if ($self->limit);
-	   $SQL .= '  OFFSET  ' . $self->offset if ($self->offset);
-	return $SQL;

Deleted: trunk/src/perlmods/OpenSRF/DomainObject.pm
--- trunk/src/perlmods/OpenSRF/DomainObject.pm	2007-07-02 22:07:02 UTC (rev 991)
+++ trunk/src/perlmods/OpenSRF/DomainObject.pm	2007-07-04 20:08:15 UTC (rev 992)
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-package OpenSRF::DomainObject;
-use base 'OpenSRF::DOM::Element::domainObject';
-use OpenSRF::DOM;
-use OpenSRF::Utils::Logger qw(:level);
-use OpenSRF::DomainObject::oilsPrimitive;
-my $logger = "OpenSRF::Utils::Logger";
-=head1 NAME
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-OpenSRF::DomainObject is an abstract base class.  It
-should not be used directly.  See C<OpenSRF::DomainObject::*>
-for details.
-my $tmp_doc;
-sub object_castor {
-	my $self = shift;
-	my $node = shift;
-	return unless (defined $node);
-	if (ref($node) eq 'HASH') {
-		return new OpenSRF::DomainObject::oilsHash (%$node);
-	} elsif (ref($node) eq 'ARRAY') {
-		return new OpenSRF::DomainObject::oilsArray (@$node);
-	}
-	return $node;
-sub native_castor {
-	my $self = shift;
-	my $node = shift;
-	return unless (defined $node);
-	if ($node->nodeType == 3) {
-		return $node->nodeValue;
-	} elsif ($node->nodeName =~ /domainObject/o) {
-		return $node->tie_me if ($node->class->can('tie_me'));
-	}
-	return $node;
-sub new {
-	my $class = shift;
-	$class = ref($class) || $class;
-	(my $type = $class) =~ s/^.+://o;
-	$tmp_doc ||= OpenSRF::DOM->createDocument;
-	my $dO = OpenSRF::DOM::Element::domainObject->new( $type, @_ );
-	$tmp_doc->documentElement->appendChild($dO);
-	return $dO;
-sub _attr_get_set {
-	my $self = shift;
-	my $part = shift;
-	my $node = $self->attrNode($part);
-	if (defined(my $new_value = shift)) {
-		if (defined $node) {
-			my $old_val = $node->getAttribute( "value" );
-			$node->setAttribute(value => $new_value);
-			return $old_val;
-		} else {
-			$self->addAttr( $part => $new_value );
-			return $new_value;
-		}
-	} elsif ( $node ) {
-		return $node->getAttribute( "value" );
-	}

Deleted: trunk/src/perlmods/OpenSRF/DomainObjectCollection.pm
--- trunk/src/perlmods/OpenSRF/DomainObjectCollection.pm	2007-07-02 22:07:02 UTC (rev 991)
+++ trunk/src/perlmods/OpenSRF/DomainObjectCollection.pm	2007-07-04 20:08:15 UTC (rev 992)
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-package OpenSRF::DomainObjectCollection;
-use base 'OpenSRF::DOM::Element::domainObjectCollection';
-use OpenSRF::DOM;
-use OpenSRF::Utils::Logger qw(:level);
-my $logger = "OpenSRF::Utils::Logger";
-=head1 NAME
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-OpenSRF::DomainObjectCollection is an abstract base class.  It
-should not be used directly.  See C<OpenSRF::DomainObjectCollection::*>
-for details.
-sub new {
-	my $class = shift;
-	$class = ref($class) || $class;
-	my @args = shift;
-	(my $type = $class) =~ s/^.+://o;
-	my $doc = OpenSRF::DOM->createDocument;
-	my $dO = OpenSRF::DOM::Element::domainObjectCollection->new( $type, @args );
-	$doc->documentElement->appendChild($dO);
-	return $dO;

Modified: trunk/src/perlmods/OpenSRF/System.pm
--- trunk/src/perlmods/OpenSRF/System.pm	2007-07-02 22:07:02 UTC (rev 991)
+++ trunk/src/perlmods/OpenSRF/System.pm	2007-07-04 20:08:15 UTC (rev 992)
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 use OpenSRF::UnixServer;
 use OpenSRF::Utils;
 use OpenSRF::Utils::LogServer;
-use OpenSRF::DOM;
+#use OpenSRF::DOM;
 use OpenSRF::EX qw/:try/;
 use POSIX ":sys_wait_h";
 use OpenSRF::Utils::Config; 

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