[Board] Monthly Outreach Report

Rogan Hamby rogan.hamby at equinoxoli.org
Thu Sep 15 10:49:48 EDT 2022

Good morning,

Here is the monthly Outreach Report in advance of this afternoon's meeting.

The community spotlight has been running several years now, first as a
monthly and then quarterly feature. With a lot of stand out community
members profiled we have decided to move the feature to the annual report
to highlight in more depth long term community members, probably 1-3 a year.

Speaking of the annual report, planning for 2022 will start next month. I
will be beating the bush looking for community photos again this year.

The Hack-A-Way dates are confirmed as October 24th - 26th.  Ruth Frasure
assisted me in looking at a variety of platforms for the Hack-A-Way but
also with a mind as to future events such as another online conference or
other ticketed events.  Our conclusion was that for future events with
ticketing and vendor participation that PheedLoop should be strongly
considered among the current options.  For user management, vendor booths
and ticketing it has many advantages over Hopin.  However, its expense and
setup overhead make it impractical for the Hack-A-Way. Our recommendation
at this time is to use Hopin again for the month of October for the
Hack-A-Way event which would involve a cost to the project of $99 USD.

A group consisting of myself, Jennifer Weston (Equinox) and Debbie
Luchenbill (MOBIUS) are investigating new options for merchandise on demand
services with the intention of having a recommendation for the board in
January.  If approved we could have a shop open and merchandise available
for shipping before the conference in 2023 including conference specific

Rogan Hamby (he/him/his), MLIS

Data and Project Analyst

Equinox Open Library Initiative

rogan.hamby at equinoxOLI.org

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