[Board] TEP shared drives

Galen Charlton gmc at equinoxoli.org
Wed Aug 2 11:36:49 EDT 2023


Spinning off Jeanette's question ("could we also create a TEP shared drive
that we could move all the project shared folders under?"), here's a list
of the shared drives that exist in the TEP's Google Workspace. This of
course doesn't count all of the documents that are held in workspaces
belonging to individuals or other organizations.

[image: image.png]

It's straightforward to create and reorganize shared drives; I think most
of the work will be around policy:

- Creating a taxonomy
- Determining publiciation and sharing policies. I figure that most
documents should be viewable by the world, but that doesn't apply to
everything. The "Security" shared drive in the screenshot is a good
example; that one exists for coordinating work on Evergreen security bugs
and absolutely should not be viewable by anybody outside the security team.
- Figuring out document retention policies, particularly for the formal
business documents
- Deciding what documents that exist outside of TEP shared drives should be
actively moved into the new structure

Given the potential for taxonomical discussions to become interminable, I
would suggest naming a small working group (or even just a single person!)
to propose an organizational scheme that the full Board could react to.


Galen Charlton
Implementation and IT Manager
Equinox Open Library Initiative
gmc at equinoxOLI.org
phone: 877-OPEN-ILS (673-6457)
direct: 770-709-5581
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