[Board] TEP shared drives

Galen Charlton gmc at equinoxoli.org
Wed Aug 2 16:08:50 EDT 2023

Hi Katie,

I think this is a good starting point. Some thoughts that come to mind are:

- Some people other than current board members have evergreen-ils.org email
addresses, so I think the private board share access should be expressed
explicitly as current board members
- The conference committee will have some documents (e.g., potentially some
of the financial and venue agreements, and definitely raw survey responses)
that shouldn't be public. Consequently, I would suggest a modification to
the structure to have both public and private versions of the committee

Here's a revision embodying my suggestions:


   TEP board public (publicly visible; writable by current board members)

      Board meetings: minutes, financial reports, videos of meetings

      Policies, including resolutions we have passed that we may want to
      reference in the future

      Bylaws & other foundational documents

      TEP committees (subfolders also writable by non-board committee
      members at discretion of committee chair)

         Folder for each board committee and working group with public
         documents, including public meeting minutes and other resources

         Folder for the Conference Committee includes the shareable
         Evergreen conference file repositories

   TEP board private (visible and editable only by current board members,
   although committee folders can have give to current committee members who
   are not board members)

      TEP committees

         Folder for each committee with spaces for confidential and
         provisioning documents

      TEP elections (also accessible by non-board committee members at
      discretion of committee chair)

      Treasurer – non-public financial reports, QB files

      Board member contact info/committee rosters

   Double Secret stuff (accessible on a need-to-know basis; these may be
   better implemented as separate shared drives)

      Security (for the security team)

      Treasurer/exec-only info like banking details

   Evergreen community (publicly visible; write access granted liberally to
   project and IG volunteers)

      Committee/working group documents relating to projects – I’m thinking
      the Evergreen Aspen kind of stuff that doesn’t fit into a board
      or things that we want to be public

      Interest group folders


Galen Charlton
Implementation and IT Manager
Equinox Open Library Initiative
gmc at equinoxOLI.org
phone: 877-OPEN-ILS (673-6457)
direct: 770-709-5581
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