[Eg-newdevs] Reminder: New Developers Group Meeting Next Wednesday!

Terran McCanna tmccanna at georgialibraries.org
Tue Aug 13 15:00:23 EDT 2019

Hi everyone!

I hope to see you all online next Wednesday, August 21 at 3pm Eastern! Jane
Sandberg will be walking us through a coding example (see details below) so
we can look at it together as a group. (Thanks, Jane!)

*Login Info:*

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*Jane's Presentation:*

For next month's meeting, I wanted to do a CODE CLUB (see Saron
Yitbarek's presentation here: http://bloggytoons.com/code-club)

I thought that Bill Erickson's "Replace Barcode" dialog would be fun
to look at.  It's in Angular 7, and it is part of the new experimental
staff catalog.  If you have access to an Evergreen 3.3.2 or master
system, you can take a look at this feature yourself!  If not, I've
attached a gif of what it looks like.

I'll act as a tour guide, and will have bring along an Evergreen
system that we can experiment with.  I'd like for this to be less a
presentation, and more of an interactive session where we can puzzle
things out together.

In that vein, if you have time, please prepare for the session by:
1) Glancing through the Angular template for this feature:
2) Glancing through the Angular component file for this feature:
3) Jotting down a few questions or points of confusion
4) Getting really excited to interact and discuss!

Terran McCanna, PINES Program Manager

Georgia Public Library Service | University System of Georgia

2872 Woodcock Blvd, Suite 250 l Atlanta, GA 30341

(404) 235-7138 | tmccanna at georgialibraries.org

http://help.georgialibraries.org | help at help.georgialibraries.org


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