[Eg-newdevs] get_tcn function scope

Terran McCanna tmccanna at georgialibraries.org
Thu Jun 17 17:39:06 EDT 2021

I followed Dan's advice and the original bug is now working properly, and I
realized that since we have already set $scope.local_overlay_target_tcn
that we can access that in the message, but I'm still struggling to
understand how to get the other "live" value to appear in the pop-up

    $scope.overlay_record = function() {
        var items = $scope.gridControls.selectedItems();
        var overlay_target = $scope.local_overlay_target;
        *var overlay_target_tcn = $scope.local_overlay_target_tcn;  <--this
part works*
        var live_overlay_target =
egCore.hatch.getLocalItem('eg.cat.marked_overlay_record') || 0;

*get_tcn(live_overlay_target).then(function(rec) {
$scope.live_overlay_target_tcn = rec.tcn_value(); console.log('LIVE TCN: '
+ $scope.live_overlay_target_tcn);            });*

Terran McCanna, PINES Program Manager

Georgia Public Library Service | University System of Georgia

2872 Woodcock Blvd, Suite 250 l Atlanta, GA 30341

(404) 235-7138 | tmccanna at georgialibraries.org

http://help.georgialibraries.org | help at georgialibraries.org


Join our email list <http://georgialibraries.org> for stories of Georgia
libraries making an impact in our communities.

On Thu, Jun 17, 2021 at 2:46 PM Josh Stompro <stomproj at gsuite.larl.org>

> Thank you Dan, that was very helpful to understand what wasn't working.
> To answer your last question, we were trying to allow the get_tcn function
> to be more generic, so it could be used to grab the TCNs for an error
> message that pops up when you choose a different overlay target in another
> tab, then switch back to the original tab and try to overlay.  See this
> ticket. https://bugs.launchpad.net/evergreen/+bug/1932199
> So we want to pull in the TCN for both old and new overlay targets and
> display them to the user.
> Like so
>                 if (overlay_target != live_overlay_target) {
>                     var confirm_title =
>                     var confirm_msg = egCore.strings.OVERLAY_CHANGED;
>                     if (live_overlay_target == 0) { // someone unset the
> target...
>                         confirm_title =
>                         confirm_msg = egCore.strings.OVERLAY_REMOVED;
>                     }
>                     egConfirmDialog.open(
>                         confirm_title,
>                         confirm_msg,
>                         { id : overlay_target, live_id :
> live_overlay_target, id_tcn :
>                        * get_tcn(overlay_target)*, live_id_tcn :
> *get_tcn(live_overlay_target*)}
> Josh
> On Thu, Jun 17, 2021 at 1:33 PM Dan Briem via Eg-newdevs <
> eg-newdevs at list.evergreen-ils.org> wrote:
>> egCore.pcrud.retrieve is a promise. The idea is that it needs to run a
>> network request and you don't want your program to stall while waiting for
>> a response back. So, with promises, the .then() doesn't run right away -
>> it's like you're just setting it up to run later when the response comes
>> back, and in the meantime your program will continue on to the next line
>> while that promise is doing its thing.
>> So the order things happen:
>>    1. send request
>>    2. return $scope.thisTCN (undefined probably?)
>>    3. response comes back and $scope.thisTCN is set to rec.tcn_value()
>> The next time it runs:
>>    1. send request
>>    2. return $scope.thisTCN (previous value it was set to before)
>>    3. response comes back and $scope.thisTCN is set to rec.tcn_value()
>> If you want to wrap the egCore.pcrud call in its own function and return
>> the value, you could just return the whole promise and then call
>> get_tcn(someRecordId).then() when you want to assign
>> $scope.local_overlay_target_tcn. For example:
>> get_tcn($scope.local_overlay_target).then(function(rec) {
>>   $scope.local_overlay_target_tcn = rec.tcn_value();
>> });
>> ...........
>> function get_tcn(currTarget) {
>>   return egCore.pcrud.retrieve('bre', currTarget, {
>>     select: {bre: ['tcn_value']}
>>   });
>> }
>> This assumes you aren't using $scope.thisTCN anywhere else and can just
>> remove that assignment.
>> I'm also curious, because I looked at the patch you shared before the
>> meeting, what wasn't working about it? (the reason I ask is because this
>> should be close to the same thing)
>> On Thu, Jun 17, 2021 at 1:12 PM Terran McCanna via Eg-newdevs <
>> eg-newdevs at list.evergreen-ils.org> wrote:
>>> Okay, gang. I'm missing something and it's probably obvious to someone
>>> more familiar with chained functions and scope, but I can't figure it out.
>>> After trying a bunch of different approaches, this is the closest I've been
>>> able to get. It's writing the correct value to the console log, but it is
>>> displaying the *previous* value in the interface. Argh. See video demo of
>>> the problem:
>>> https://screencast-o-matic.com/watch/cr1bDNV16uo
>>> **********
>>>     $scope.local_overlay_target =
>>> egCore.hatch.getLocalItem('eg.cat.marked_overlay_record') || 0;
>>>     if($scope.local_overlay_target) {
>>>         var currTarget = $scope.local_overlay_target;
>>>        * $scope.local_overlay_target_tcn = get_tcn(currTarget);*
>>>     }
>>>     $scope.mark_as_overlay_target = function() {
>>>         var items = $scope.gridControls.selectedItems();
>>>         if ($scope.local_overlay_target == items[0]['bibid']) {
>>>             $scope.local_overlay_target = 0;
>>>             $scope.local_overlay_target_tcn = 0;
>>>         } else {
>>>             $scope.local_overlay_target = items[0]['bibid'];
>>>             var currTarget = items[0]['bibid'];
>>>             *$scope.local_overlay_target_tcn = get_tcn(currTarget);*
>>>         }
>>> egCore.hatch.setLocalItem('eg.cat.marked_overlay_record',$scope.local_overlay_target);
>>>     }
>>> *    function get_tcn(currTarget) {        egCore.pcrud.retrieve('bre',
>>> currTarget, {            select: {bre: ['tcn_value']}
>>> }).then(function(rec) {            $scope.thisTCN = rec.tcn_value();
>>>     console.log("TEST: " + $scope.thisTCN);        });        return
>>> $scope.thisTCN;    };*
>>> **********
>>> This writes the correct TCN value to the console, but it does not always
>>> load that value to $scope.local_overlay_target_tcn. If I have an item
>>> marked for overlay and I load the page, it displays the correct TCN. But,
>>> if I use the interface to select a different item, it keeps the original
>>> TCN in the display.
>>> When I tried setting a regular variable (instead of a $scope variable)
>>> in the "then" part of the chained function, I couldn't access it from
>>> outside that part of the function. Am I creating the thisTCN variable
>>> wrong? Or returning it wrong? Or ... ???
>>> Terran McCanna, PINES Program Manager
>>> ------------------------------
>>> Georgia Public Library Service | University System of Georgia
>>> 2872 Woodcock Blvd, Suite 250 l Atlanta, GA 30341
>>> (404) 235-7138 | tmccanna at georgialibraries.org
>>> http://help.georgialibraries.org | help at georgialibraries.org
>>> <https://www.facebook.com/georgialibraries>
>>> <https://www.twitter.com/georgialibs>
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>>> <https://www.twitter.com/georgialibs>
>>> Join our email list <http://georgialibraries.org> for stories of
>>> Georgia libraries making an impact in our communities.
>>> On Wed, Jun 16, 2021 at 4:36 PM Josh Stompro via Eg-newdevs <
>>> eg-newdevs at list.evergreen-ils.org> wrote:
>>>> Terran, I think the get_tcn function is in scope... it just doesn't
>>>> return a value.  I followed the code in the developer console and it does
>>>> grab the tcn.
>>>> The function sets the $scope.local_overlay_target_tcn to be equal to
>>>> the found tcn value.  But it doesn't return it.
>>>>     function get_tcn(currTarget) {
>>>>         egCore.pcrud.retrieve('bre', currTarget, {
>>>>             select: {bre: ['tcn_value']}
>>>>         }).then(function(rec) {
>>>>             $scope.local_overlay_target_tcn = rec.tcn_value();
>>>>         });
>>>>         return;
>>>>     };
>>>> Maybe the function should just return the value... and then instead of
>>>> just calling it like
>>>>   } else {
>>>>             $scope.local_overlay_target = items[0]['bibid'];
>>>>             var currTarget = items[0] ['bibid'];
>>>>             get_tcn(currTarget);
>>>>         }
>>>> You would use
>>>>   } else {
>>>>             $scope.local_overlay_target = items[0]['bibid'];
>>>>             var currTarget = items[0] ['bibid'];
>>>>             $scope.local_overlay_target_tcn = get_tcn(currTarget);
>>>>         }
>>>> Josh
>>>> [image: Company logo]
>>>> *Josh Stompro*
>>>> *IT Director stomproj at gsuite.larl.org <stomproj at gsuite.larl.org>*
>>>> *218-233-3757 ext. 139* | *Mobile: 218-790-2110*
>>>> *Lake Agassiz Regional Library | **www.larl.org <http://www.larl.org>*
>>>> 118 5th ST S
>>>> Moorhead MN 56560
>>>> *Celebrating 60 Years of Service in 2021!*
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>> --
>> Dan Briem
>> Harrison Public Library
>> 2 Bruce Ave. Harrison, NY 10528
>> (914) 835-0324
>> harrisonpl.org <https://www.harrisonpl.org>
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