[Eg-newdevs] I'm stuck!

Bill Erickson berickxx at gmail.com
Wed Jun 29 14:48:25 EDT 2022

Oops, meant to reply-all.


On Wed, Jun 29, 2022 at 2:47 PM Bill Erickson <berickxx at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Terran,
> This one's a little funky because the grid wants to let you add fields
> easily, but they have to be accessible via pcrud.  The patron money user
> summary is not.  Here's a patch.
> https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=working/Evergreen.git;a=shortlog;h=refs/heads/user/berick/patron-bucket-balance
> -b
> On Wed, Jun 29, 2022 at 12:00 PM Terran McCanna via Eg-newdevs <
> eg-newdevs at list.evergreen-ils.org> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I've been going in circles on what seems like it should be a really easy
>> change - I'm just trying to add a Balance Owed column to User Buckets. This
>> is mapped user (au) -> money_summary (mus) -> balance_owed
>> The relevant template is at
>> /templates/staff/circ/patron/bucket/t_view.tt2 and I've added a new grid
>> field with path="money_summary.balance_owed"
>> But then the problem comes to fleshing out that field data and I'm
>> hindered by the fact that I am not actually sure which file I should even
>> be working in. These are the three main things that I've tried:
>> *1. /OpenILS/Application/Actor/Container.pm * -  First I tried adding to
>> the sub _bucket_flesh section. It appears to be fleshing out 'notes' data,
>> but that is confusing to me because Container.pm is used by all of the
>> different bucket types and not all of the types of buckets have a notes
>> field. I tried various ways to add fleshing for user buckets here (if this
>> is a user bucket, then flesh out the money_summary data...) but got
>> nowhere.
>> *2. /js/ui/default/staff/services/user-bucket.js * -  Second, I tried
>> adding fleshing into the service.fetchbucket section.
>> *3. * */js/ui/default/staff/services/user-bucket.js * *- *Third, I
>> noticed over on /js/ui/default/staff/cat/bucket/copy/app.js that there is
>> "service.fetchRecentInventoryData" that is fleshing additional data, so I
>> thought I'd try copying that type of thing into user-bucket.js like that
>> one does.
>> With all of my attempts, I have no idea if I'm failing because my syntax
>> is wrong or because I'm completely off-base and working in the wrong part
>> of the wrong file.
>> If any of you can point me in the right direction, I'd really appreciate
>> it!
>> Terran McCanna, PINES Program Manager
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