[Eg-newdevs] Possible topic for a newdevs meeting

Jane Sandberg sandbergja at gmail.com
Wed May 3 14:05:04 EDT 2023

Hi Evergreeners,

I've been using test-driven development
<https://sandimetz.com/99bottles-sample-js#_understanding_testing> more and
more lately, including when working on Evergreen's Angular client.  I like
how the QA work of writing automated tests is baked into the process, and
how it can keep me focused when approaching a large problem.

Would this topic be of interest for a newdevs meeting?  I could walk
through how one might use test-driven development to approach building a
small angular feature <https://bugs.launchpad.net/evergreen/+bug/1754364>,
and share some tricks for working with angular's unit testing framework.

Thanks for considering,

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