[Eg-oversight-board] Evergreen Conference 2014 budget

Ben Hyman ben.hyman at bc.libraries.coop
Wed Apr 10 09:42:58 EDT 2013

Thanks Tony,

I'm curious - in the second scenario - what % of conference revenue would typically flow to SFC vs 10% in the first?

------Original Message------
From: Tony Sebro
To: Kathy Lussier
Cc: eg-oversight-board at list.evergreen-ils.org
Cc: evergreen
Subject: Re: Evergreen Conference 2014 budget
Sent: Apr 9, 2013 09:47

On 04/08/2013 02:43 PM, Kathy Lussier wrote:
> Hi all,
> Attached is the budget for the 2014 Evergreen Conference to be 
> discussed/approved at the Oversight Board meeting later this week. The 
> budget is based on pricing to host the conference at the Boston 
> Marriott Cambridge from March 19 – 22, 2014. The earlier dates for the 
> conference were scheduled to keep Boston-area prices affordable for 
> our attendees. We are still working with the venue to finalize some 
> details before forwarding along the contract to the SFC.
> See you all in Vancouver!
> Kathy
Hi, Kathy.  Thanks for sending this around.  If you need anything from 
Conservancy during the planning process, let us know.

Also, to clarify:  how does the EOB and the 2014 planning committee 
intend to host this conference from a corporate perspective?  As a 
reminder, you have two options:

The traditional way is to have Conservancy act as the corporate entity 
to engage with the venue, sign contracts, and manage registrations.  
We'd provide support to your conference committee's planning process as 
needed, and we'd also need to make sure that all aspects of the 
conference comply with Conservancy's requirements under US tax law.

The second option would be to outsource the planning and hosting of the 
event to a third party - be it MassLNC, Bibliomation, or even a group of 
entities.  The host entity could even be a trade association or a 
for-profit corporation.  Conservancy would sign an agreement granting 
the new host entity the right to host a conference and articulating how 
surplus funds will flow back to Evergreen's account.  If the host isn't 
a public charity, we'd also negotiate a TM license fee.  The host would 
then plan the event autonomously.

Both options are perfectly fine from Conservancy's perspective:  we're 
happy to provide a structure, direct support, and governance, but we're 
also fine if the project wants to outsource to a third party.  Let us 
know what you've decided.  If you haven't decided yet, I suggest that 
you set aside some time to discuss in Vancouver.

Thanks! -Tony

Tony Sebro, General Counsel, Software Freedom Conservancy
+1-212-461-3245 x11
tony at sfconservancy.org

Sent by phone; please pardon my thumbs

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