[Eg-oversight-board] Evergreen T-Shirts, anyone?

Amy Terlaga terlaga at biblio.org
Tue Feb 12 12:24:41 EST 2013

I think Lori may have the right idea.


I didn't really figure in the cost of shipping and now, of course, these
custom duties.  (The only time that I'm not liking the fact that we're going
to Canada this year.)

I checked with the T-shirt place and it's $60 to ship one box of 72 shirts
to Vancouver.  Plus custom duties.  She couldn't tell me how much for that -
wouldn't know until she knew the value of the merchandise.


So $15 for each shirt would help us to recover those costs faster.  I don't
think we could go more than $15 though.


And Lori, I don't know if we want to start putting a whole bunch of writing
on these shirts.  That said, I'm ready to listen to other opinions.




Amy Terlaga

Assistant Director, User Services

Bibliomation, Inc.

32 Crest Road

Middlebury, CT  06762

203-577-4070 x101

www.biblio.org <http://www.biblio.org/> 


From: Lori Bowen Ayre [mailto:lori.ayre at galecia.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2013 11:26 AM
To: Amy Terlaga
Cc: evergreen at sfconservancy.org; eg-oversight-board at list.evergreen-ils.org
Subject: Re: Evergreen T-Shirts, anyone?


Those prices are very reasonable.  Maybe make them both a flat $15 or $20
just to make life simple. I'm pretty sure anyone who wants an Evergreen
t-shirt would pay $15 if they'd pay $13.


Were you just planning to print the logo in the center of the front?  Or is
there an option to add some text such as 


2013 Evergreen International Conference, Vancouver, or

Librarians for Open Source, or

Free the Knowledge, Free the Code


or something....



Lori Bowen Ayre // 

Library Technology Consultant / The Galecia Group

(707) 763-6869 // Lori.Ayre at galecia.com

Availability:  http://doodle.com/loriayre  


Specializing in open source software solutions, RFID, filtering, 

workflow optimization, and materials handling 



On Tue, Feb 12, 2013 at 7:05 AM, Amy Terlaga <terlaga at biblio.org> wrote:

Hi all-


For tomorrow's meeting, I'm going to ask that the Board approve my going
forward with the sale of two styles of Evergreen T-shirts, to be distributed
at the Evergreen conference, pending the conference committee's approval.
(I was also considering travel mugs, but I just don't think we have the time
this first go around to overcomplicate this first foray into Evergreen
merchandise.  The conference is fast approaching.  Plus, I'm not sure of the
interest.  Consider this testing the waters.)


Based on my investigation of various T-shirt sites, I'm recommending we use
the following NYC based, full service silk screening and graphic design


Works in Progress NYC



They came recommended by Tony at the SFC, their costs are competitive, and
they charge no setup fee as long as you place a minimum order of 36 shirts
which shouldn't be too hard to do.


For the standard T-shirt: 

G200 Gildan 6.1 oz. Ultra CottonR T-Shirt

$7.00 per shirt plus $15 to the total for PMS matching (to get that specific
green which I think we're still making a requirement based on the emails
I've been reading)




For a fitted T-shirt for the ladies:

B1003 Bella Ladies' 1x1 Baby Rib Short-Sleeve Scoop Neck T-Shirt

$10 per shirt plus $15 to the total for PMS matching




(Based on my Internet reading, no sweatshops were used by either T-shirt


The Evergreen logo would go over the front of the shirt.  That's my
suggestion, anyway.


I was thinking of charging $10 for the standard T and $13 for the fitted.
That would be $3 profit per shirt.  (The prices go down after 50 shirts, but
I'm not sure if we can hope for more than 50.)


I can see an argument being made to scrap the fitted T so that it doesn't
siphon off sales from the standard T, and maybe causing us to not hit our 36
mark for either.  I could be talked out of it, I guess.  It's just that I
hate wearing the standard T-shirt.  So I included the fitted T because of my
own particular tastes, hoping that other Evergreen women would feel the same



I've been emailing with Tony and Bradley; they would help us take in the
money for these shirts.  Bradley writes:


What we've done in the past is we've made a quick "checkout page" on a web
browser, and that's worked ok.



It takes 2-3 weeks to make the shirts.  We'd have to have them shipped to
Vancouver.  We don't have much time if we're going to make this happen in
time for April 10th.


Thanks for your consideration.  If you have any questions now, please let me
know.  I may have to do some research before answering them and it would be
good to have the answers in time for our meeting tomorrow.




Amy Terlaga

Assistant Director, User Services

Bibliomation, Inc.

32 Crest Road

Middlebury, CT  06762

203-577-4070 x101 <tel:203-577-4070%20x101> 

www.biblio.org <http://www.biblio.org/> 



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