[Eg-oversight-board] Fwd: Evergreen participation in Outreachy?

Sharon Herbert sharon.herbert at bc.libraries.coop
Thu Sep 8 16:44:37 EDT 2016

Thanks Kathy, I think a meeting dedicated to this topic would be great!

Quoting Kathy Lussier <klussier at masslnc.org>:

> Hi Sharon,
> We deferred the discussion during a meeting last spring, but we did  
> discuss it briefly at our August meeting.  
> http://irc.evergreen-ils.org/evergreen/2016-08-10#i_260824
> It looks like we left the discussion hanging with little resolution,  
> but my plan was to discuss it further in person at the November  
> hack-a-way. Maybe a dedicated meeting on this topic would be better  
> so that it include those who will not be able to attend the  
> hack-a-way. I think hearing from new developers would provide a lot  
> of insight. I know MassLNC's former developer, Jake, had a lot of  
> thoughts on the idea.
> Kathy
> On 09/08/2016 04:24 PM, Sharon Herbert wrote:
>> Agreed re: mentorship. I think participation in programs like  
>> Outreach should demonstrate good return on investment in terms of $  
>> cost to participate and valuable community member time. Growing our  
>> internal mentorship processes seems a better ROI. So, I think we  
>> should skip Outreachy.
>> A recent developer meeting had some time on the agenda to discuss  
>> how to better help new developers/potential developers climb the  
>> learning curve faster; I don't think that discussion happened due  
>> to time constraints. We have a new developer who could offer some  
>> insights, I'm sure there are others in the community too, so maybe  
>> a focused developer meeting on this topic would be a good place to  
>> start?
>> thanks,
>> Sharon
>> Quoting Ruth Frasur <director at hagerstownlibrary.org>:
>>> Agree on the mentorship vs. internship.
>>> On Thu, Sep 8, 2016 at 11:55 AM, Terran McCanna <
>>> tmccanna at georgialibraries.org> wrote:
>>>> I'm with Kathy on this.
>>>>>> Bringing this thread back to my original question, I'm not sure
>>>> participating in a short-term internship program is the right way to grow
>>>> the developer community. It's helpful in getting more new programmers to
>>>> learn how to work in an open-source community and, from our  
>>>> successful GSoC
>>>> experiences, it has led to new features for the software. I think  
>>>> these are
>>>> all great things. However, I'm not quite sure what the hook is to keep
>>>> those former interns active in our community. If we had a mentorship
>>>> program that worked with people who are planning to or already working in
>>>> libraries, I might feel differently because there is more of an  
>>>> interest to
>>>> stay involved. Even if they don't stay involved, they will continue to
>>>> remember their Evergreen experience at some future point when their
>>>> libraries are exploring ILS options.<<
>>>> It's always nice to get more people involved on any level, and I'm
>>>> certainly not opposed to internship opportunities, but I also think that a
>>>> mentorship problem would be much more valuable if we can find a  
>>>> way to make
>>>> that happen.
>>>> Terran
>>>> Terran McCanna
>>>> PINES Program Manager
>>>> Georgia Public Library Service
>>>> 1800 Century Place, Suite 150
>>>> Atlanta, GA 30345
>>>> 404-235-7138
>>>> tmccanna at georgialibraries.org
>>>> On Thu, Sep 8, 2016 at 11:43 AM, Kathy Lussier <klussier at masslnc.org>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Thank you Lori. That's very generous.
>>>>> I'll defer to the current EOB members to the question of whether they
>>>>> want to pursue this. However, as I mentioned, if we do move forward, we
>>>>> need to make the decision fairly soon since there are several other steps
>>>>> that need to be taken to determine if the community has volunteers
>>>>> interested in making this happen.
>>>>> Kathy
>>>>> On 09/07/2016 03:23 PM, Lori Ayre wrote:
>>>>> Thanks, Kathy.  And before I read your previous posts, what I was going
>>>>> to offer was $500 to offset the costs of being a part of  
>>>>> Outreachy.  But I
>>>>> wonder if we could do it with the caveat that the intern has to have some
>>>>> library connection.....
>>>>> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
>>>>> Lori Bowen Ayre //
>>>>> Library Technology Consultant / The Galecia Group
>>>>> (707) 763-6869 // Lori.Ayre at galecia.com
>>>>> Availability:  https://doodle.com/loriayre
>>>>> Specializing in RFID, automated materials handling,
>>>>> workflow optimization, and Drupal services
>>>>> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
>>>>> On Wed, Sep 7, 2016 at 11:16 AM, Kathy Lussier <klussier at masslnc.org>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Lori,
>>>>>> Sorry for the delayed response.
>>>>>> Yes, I think it's always helpful for libraries to try to find additional
>>>>>> avenues for getting development done. However, I wanted to  
>>>>>> clarify that I
>>>>>> wasn't saying there isn't a real need to see growth in the Evergreen
>>>>>> developer community. Bringing more active developers into the community
>>>>>> would indeed help to alleviate bottlenecks since more people would be
>>>>>> working on the code. It also provides more options to  
>>>>>> libraries, which is
>>>>>> always a good thing.
>>>>>> Despite the fact that recent releases include features important to
>>>>>> MassLNC, some of which came from our own contributors and some of which
>>>>>> were sponsored, we also have others that are taking longer than we would
>>>>>> have liked. What I was trying to say in my earlier email,  
>>>>>> though, is that
>>>>>> the inability to move a particular project forward is not the  
>>>>>> same thing as
>>>>>> saying that all development unrelated to the web client has  
>>>>>> come to a halt.
>>>>>> It's frustrating when you have to struggle and wait to bring a  
>>>>>> new feature
>>>>>> to fruition. I know, I've been there. But the software does continue to
>>>>>> grow and, in addition to bringing new features in every  
>>>>>> release, has also
>>>>>> become more secure for patrons over the past year.
>>>>>> Bringing this thread back to my original question, I'm not sure
>>>>>> participating in a short-term internship program is the right  
>>>>>> way to grow
>>>>>> the developer community. It's helpful in getting more new programmers to
>>>>>> learn how to work in an open-source community and, from our  
>>>>>> successful GSoC
>>>>>> experiences, it has led to new features for the software. I  
>>>>>> think these are
>>>>>> all great things. However, I'm not quite sure what the hook is to keep
>>>>>> those former interns active in our community. If we had a mentorship
>>>>>> program that worked with people who are planning to or already  
>>>>>> working in
>>>>>> libraries, I might feel differently because there is more of an  
>>>>>> interest to
>>>>>> stay involved. Even if they don't stay involved, they will continue to
>>>>>> remember their Evergreen experience at some future point when their
>>>>>> libraries are exploring ILS options.
>>>>>> Bringing in more libraries might also lead to more options because those
>>>>>> libraries could have more technical staff who can contribute to  
>>>>>> the project
>>>>>> or they may create a larger market, making it more viable for  
>>>>>> developers to
>>>>>> create their own Evergreen development services company. This is part of
>>>>>> the reason for forming the Outreach Committee - to help us get  
>>>>>> the word out
>>>>>> about how our libraries are succeeding with Evergreen.
>>>>>> What I need to know now, though, is if there is interest from the EOB in
>>>>>> pursuing Outreachy for this session. If there is interest in  
>>>>>> funding this
>>>>>> internship, we need to also reach out to the community to see if anyone
>>>>>> will volunteer to organize the program and mentor students. If  
>>>>>> there isn't
>>>>>> interest, I need to get back to the Outreachy folks to let them know.
>>>>>> Kathy
>>>>>> On 09/02/2016 04:38 PM, Lori Ayre wrote:
>>>>>> Thanks for your feedback, Kathy. Based on the release notes, it does
>>>>>> look like some important progress is being made. Be advised that I was
>>>>>> reporting what I'm hearing from people as I talk to various Evergreen
>>>>>> community members so it is a perception out there even if there is some
>>>>>> good progress being made.  I wonder if it has more to do with who's
>>>>>> enhancements are represented in the release notes. If a library has had
>>>>>> something on a wish list for a long time and they haven't made  
>>>>>> any progress
>>>>>> bringing it to fruition, I imagine they would be frustrated.
>>>>>> So maybe part of the problem is that people don't know what they need to
>>>>>> do to increase the likelihood of a desired enhancement getting the right
>>>>>> kind of attention. That might be another angle to focus on....is there a
>>>>>> resource out there that provides some guidance about the process for
>>>>>> getting an enhancement into the code? From my point of view,  
>>>>>> the libraries
>>>>>> seem to think the solution to getting an enhancement is to hire  
>>>>>> Equinox to
>>>>>> do it.  So, it is possible that many libraries have created their own
>>>>>> bottleneck by relying on only one development team.
>>>>>> Do you think you feel better about the progress being made with
>>>>>> Evergreen because of MassLNC's very active involvement in the  
>>>>>> development
>>>>>> and developer community? My belief is that you and your team represent a
>>>>>> model that others should be replicating.  Do you think that if more
>>>>>> consortia were doing the kinds of work you and the folks in  
>>>>>> Massachusetts
>>>>>> are doing in terms of documentation and coding, we wouldn't have some of
>>>>>> the bottlenecks?
>>>>>> Lori
>>>>>> P.S. I don't want to give the impression I'm picking on Equinox. I
>>>>>> appreciate all the work they do for sure.  I'm looking for  
>>>>>> feedback because
>>>>>> I want to a) support Evergreen and do whatever I can to  
>>>>>> contribute to its
>>>>>> success as I do my consulting work and b) see if my ideas of what would
>>>>>> make a difference seem right to those of you in the trenches!  
>>>>>> So, feedback
>>>>>> appreciated online or offline.
>>>>>> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
>>>>>> Lori Bowen Ayre //
>>>>>> Library Technology Consultant / The Galecia Group
>>>>>> (707) 763-6869 // Lori.Ayre at galecia.com
>>>>>> Availability:  https://doodle.com/loriayre
>>>>>> Specializing in RFID, automated materials handling,
>>>>>> workflow optimization, and Drupal services
>>>>>> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
>>>>>> On Fri, Sep 2, 2016 at 11:51 AM, Kathy Lussier <klussier at masslnc.org>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Lori,
>>>>>>> We actually had a discussion at our most recent dev meeting about
>>>>>>> building mentorship opportunities for coders and will be  
>>>>>>> continuing that
>>>>>>> discussion at the hack-a-way in November. It's something that I know
>>>>>>> MassLNC is very interested in seeing happen, and I'm sure others in the
>>>>>>> community feel the same.
>>>>>>> However, after working firsthand with the OPW program and observing
>>>>>>> closely our previous efforts with GSoC, I'm not sure those  
>>>>>>> programs are the
>>>>>>> best fit for this community. I think those programs work very well in
>>>>>>> open-source communities where there is a lot of volunteer  
>>>>>>> interest because
>>>>>>> the software is something that gets broad use in business or  
>>>>>>> in personal
>>>>>>> life. Those volunteers have an incentive to keep contributing to the
>>>>>>> community after the internship because they have a vested interest in
>>>>>>> seeing the software succeed.
>>>>>>> Although most of our previous interns have certainly loved libraries,
>>>>>>> they aren't working in them and, therefore, have no vested interest in
>>>>>>> continuing in the community once their internship is complete.  
>>>>>>> My personal
>>>>>>> opinion (and others may disagree with me) is that we might have better
>>>>>>> success if we work with people who are already working in  
>>>>>>> libraries or are
>>>>>>> involved in MLS programs.
>>>>>>> I do want to take issue with the perception that "all other development
>>>>>>> comes to a halt." I'm looking at the draft release notes for 2.11 -
>>>>>>> https://evergreen-ils.org/documentation/release/RELEASE_NOTES_2_11.html and the release notes for our March 2.10 release  
>>>>>>> -
>>>>>>> https://evergreen-ils.org/documentation/release/RELEASE_NOTES_2_10.html. This doesn't look like halted development to  
>>>>>>> me.
>>>>>>> In particular, I would like to point out my personal favorite from the
>>>>>>> release notes, the activity metric for relevance ranking (AKA  
>>>>>>> statistically
>>>>>>> generated record ratings) that I think will be a big boon to searches
>>>>>>> performed in the catalog. This was no small project and was  
>>>>>>> completed at
>>>>>>> the same time work was being performed on the web client. In  
>>>>>>> addition to
>>>>>>> the web client, MassLNC has projects lined up to improve  
>>>>>>> cross-reference
>>>>>>> support and to make much-needed improvements to search. I'm sure others
>>>>>>> have projects coming down the pike as well.
>>>>>>> I'm not saying that the web client hasn't taken up a lot of developer
>>>>>>> resources over the past couple of years, that I'm not also  
>>>>>>> concerned about
>>>>>>> growing developer resources in the community, and that I'm not looking
>>>>>>> forward to the day when we the web client is not putting such  
>>>>>>> a strain on
>>>>>>> our existing developer resources. But I do want to point out that the
>>>>>>> software is moving forward even as the web client project proceeds.
>>>>>>> Please understand that the web client is a very large project that,
>>>>>>> while resource intensive, will ultimately bring many benefits  
>>>>>>> to Evergreen
>>>>>>> users. It's large, and it has to be large if we want to see it  
>>>>>>> done right.
>>>>>>> I applaud Equinox and the larger developer community for taking the
>>>>>>> necessary steps to make the big infrastructure changes rather  
>>>>>>> than bolting
>>>>>>> on small fixes that might lead to short-term happiness, but  
>>>>>>> will not bring
>>>>>>> the larger improvement that is needed in our software.
>>>>>>> Kathy
>>>>>>> On 09/02/2016 02:13 PM, Lori Ayre wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Kathy and all,
>>>>>>> I just went through and read through the thread about participating in
>>>>>>> this the last time it came up.  And I have to say it was disheartening.
>>>>>>> Has anything been done around the idea Grace raised - to  
>>>>>>> survey people who
>>>>>>> have attempted to get involved in coding for Evergreen to find  
>>>>>>> out what the
>>>>>>> impediments were?  I think that would be very fruitful....if  
>>>>>>> you can find
>>>>>>> them.
>>>>>>> I have a perspective on this topic I'd like to share. I'm working with
>>>>>>> a couple Evergreen consortia right now and in the process I'm  
>>>>>>> talking with
>>>>>>> many other consortia on Evergreen (and other ILSs including  
>>>>>>> Koha) and there
>>>>>>> is a consistent theme that Evergreen development is too slow  
>>>>>>> and that this
>>>>>>> is beginning to make some consortia question whether Evergreen  
>>>>>>> really makes
>>>>>>> sense for them.  It isn't uncommon for me hear that people are  
>>>>>>> frustrated
>>>>>>> that it is taking so long to deliver the web client and that other
>>>>>>> enhancements are being tabled until that is done. And it starts to feel
>>>>>>> strikingly similar to what it was like with a commercial ILS  
>>>>>>> where requests
>>>>>>> for enhancements were ignored.
>>>>>>> I think this is because there so few developers. I know Equinox is
>>>>>>> focusing their energies on the web client but that shouldn't  
>>>>>>> mean all other
>>>>>>> development comes to a halt.  There should be more human  
>>>>>>> resources involved
>>>>>>> so that one company focusing on one big component shouldn't  
>>>>>>> halt progress
>>>>>>> on everything else.  I know this same thing happened when KCLS  
>>>>>>> first got
>>>>>>> involved and was able to monopolize the the limited developer  
>>>>>>> community to
>>>>>>> focus on their priorities. And I have to say that I personally  
>>>>>>> attempted to
>>>>>>> bring in more developers to the fold (as part of that KCLS  
>>>>>>> initiative) so
>>>>>>> that instead of monopolizing the limited resources, the end  
>>>>>>> result would be
>>>>>>> to expand and enrich the pool of developers.  But that turned out to be
>>>>>>> VERY hard to do. And the people I got interested in development and who
>>>>>>> tried to get involved...all gave up - discouraged and frustrated.
>>>>>>> So, I'd like to suggest it should be a very high priority to find a
>>>>>>> better way to attract, on-board, and retain people who would  
>>>>>>> like to get
>>>>>>> involved in the Evergreen community on the coding level.  I don't think
>>>>>>> waiting on delivery of the web client is an adequate strategy.
>>>>>>> Lori
>>>>>>> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
>>>>>>> Lori Bowen Ayre //
>>>>>>> Library Technology Consultant / The Galecia Group
>>>>>>> (707) 763-6869 <%28707%29%20763-6869> // Lori.Ayre at galecia.com
>>>>>>> Availability:  https://doodle.com/loriayre
>>>>>>> Specializing in RFID, automated materials handling,
>>>>>>> workflow optimization, and Drupal services
>>>>>>> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
>>>>>>> On Fri, Sep 2, 2016 at 5:22 AM, Kathy Lussier <klussier at masslnc.org>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>>>> Outreachy (formerly Outreach Program for Women) is happening again.
>>>>>>>> The administrators are asking if there is any interest in  
>>>>>>>> participating
>>>>>>>> from the Evergreen community.
>>>>>>>> I'm also linking to the EOB thread from the last time this question
>>>>>>>> was raised - http://list.evergreen-ils.org/
>>>>>>>> pipermail/eg-oversight-board/2016-February/001209.html.
>>>>>>>> FWIW, I stand by the comments I made in that previous thread.
>>>>>>>> Kathy
>>>>>>>> -------- Forwarded Message --------
>>>>>>>> Subject: Evergreen participation in Outreachy?
>>>>>>>> Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2016 14:11:16 -0700
>>>>>>>> From: Sarah Sharp <saharabeara at gmail.com> <saharabeara at gmail.com>
>>>>>>>> To: Kathy Lussier <klussier at masslnc.org> <klussier at masslnc.org>
>>>>>>>> CC: outreachy-admins at gnome.org
>>>>>>>> Hi Kathy,
>>>>>>>> The Outreachy program is looking for organizations to participate in
>>>>>>>> round 13.  Do you think Evergreen would be willing to  
>>>>>>>> participate again?
>>>>>>>> The round will open on September 12, and the sooner Evergreen  
>>>>>>>> is listed,
>>>>>>>> the more likely you'll get strong applicants.
>>>>>>>> Sarah Sharp
>>>>>>>> On Sat, Aug 27, 2016 at 4:41 PM, Sarah A Sharp  
>>>>>>>> <sarah at thesharps.us> <sarah at thesharps.us> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Dear coordinators and mentors,
>>>>>>>>> Thank you for being a part of our outreach program! The next  
>>>>>>>>> round for
>>>>>>>>> Outreachy is scheduled to open on September 12, with an  
>>>>>>>>> application deadline
>>>>>>>>> of October 17. Internships will run from December 6 to March 6.
>>>>>>>>> If your organization is interested in participating in the  
>>>>>>>>> next round,
>>>>>>>>> please update your landing page, and let us know by  
>>>>>>>>> September 7 if you will
>>>>>>>>> participate. Organization coordinators and mentors, please  
>>>>>>>>> coordinate on the
>>>>>>>>> following:
>>>>>>>>>  * Review set up information at
>>>>>>>>> https://wiki.gnome.org/Outreachy/Admin/GettingStarted
>>>>>>>>>  * Secure funding for your org to sponsor at least one  
>>>>>>>>> intern ($6,500)
>>>>>>>>>  * Update your org's landing page
>>>>>>>>>  * List your project ideas and recruit other mentors
>>>>>>>>>  * Let us know at outreachy-admins at gnome.org that your org  
>>>>>>>>> is participating
>>>>>>>>>  * Start spreading the word about your org's internships -  
>>>>>>>>> no need to wait
>>>>>>>>> for September 12
>>>>>>>>> We plan on having a twitter chat about Outreachy on  
>>>>>>>>> Wednesday, September 21,
>>>>>>>>> to spotlight the organizations that are participating, and  
>>>>>>>>> allow orgs to
>>>>>>>>> answer any questions people have. Participation in the chat  
>>>>>>>>> is optional, but
>>>>>>>>> if you do want to participate, being able to link to a blog post that
>>>>>>>>> describes why you're passionate about your project would  
>>>>>>>>> help us promote
>>>>>>>>> your project.
>>>>>>>>> The updated resources for the upcoming round are:
>>>>>>>>>  * https://wiki.gnome.org/Outreachy/2016/DecemberMarch - a  
>>>>>>>>> page with a
>>>>>>>>> timeline and participating organizations listing.
>>>>>>>>>  * https://wiki.gnome.org/Outreachy/Admin/InfoForOrgs and
>>>>>>>>> https://wiki.gnome.org/Outreachy/Admin/InfoForOrgs/Proposal  
>>>>>>>>> - these pages
>>>>>>>>> have motivation and information for sponsorship; you can use  
>>>>>>>>> and customize
>>>>>>>>> the text from the Proposal page to approach companies about  
>>>>>>>>> sponsorship
>>>>>>>>> (please do a quick check with Karen, Marina, and myself at
>>>>>>>>> outreachy-admins at gnome.org alias first to make sure we coordinate any
>>>>>>>>> efforts to approach the same company).
>>>>>>>>>  * https://wiki.gnome.org/Outreachy/Admin/GettingStarted -  
>>>>>>>>> please review
>>>>>>>>> this page when you are updating the landing page for your  
>>>>>>>>> organization.
>>>>>>>>>  * https://wiki.gnome.org/Outreachy#Contracts - please make  
>>>>>>>>> all people who
>>>>>>>>> volunteer as mentors in your organization aware that they  
>>>>>>>>> will need to sign
>>>>>>>>> a contract similar to this to be a mentor in the program.  
>>>>>>>>> Interns cannot be
>>>>>>>>> paid until their mentors sign the contract, so it is  
>>>>>>>>> important that mentors
>>>>>>>>> sign the contract as soon as the application system opens on  
>>>>>>>>> September 12.
>>>>>>>>>  * https://wiki.gnome.org/Outreachy#Eligibility - last year  
>>>>>>>>> we expanded the
>>>>>>>>> Outreachy program to include underrepresented people of color
>>>>>>>>> underrepresented in tech in the U.S.  Outreachy continues to be open
>>>>>>>>> internationally to women (cis and trans), trans men, and  
>>>>>>>>> genderqueer people.
>>>>>>>>> Please contact Karen, Marina, and myself at  
>>>>>>>>> outreachy-admins at gnome.org alias
>>>>>>>>> if you have any questions. We hope you can join us for this round!
>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>> Sarah Sharp
>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________ eg-oversight-board
>>>>>>>> mailing list eg-oversight-board at list.evergreen-ils.org
>>>>>>>> http://list.evergreen-ils.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/eg-ov
>>>>>>>> ersight-board
>>>>>>> -- 
>>>>>>> Kathy Lussier
>>>>>>> Project Coordinator
>>>>>>> Massachusetts Library Network Cooperative(508)  
>>>>>>> 343-0128klussier at masslnc.org
>>>>>>> Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/kmlussier
>>>>>>> -- 
>>>>>> Kathy Lussier
>>>>>> Project Coordinator
>>>>>> Massachusetts Library Network Cooperative(508)  
>>>>>> 343-0128klussier at masslnc.org
>>>>>> Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/kmlussier
>>>>>> -- 
>>>>> Kathy Lussier
>>>>> Project Coordinator
>>>>> Massachusetts Library Network Cooperative(508)  
>>>>> 343-0128klussier at masslnc.org
>>>>> Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/kmlussier
>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>> eg-oversight-board mailing list
>>>>> eg-oversight-board at list.evergreen-ils.org
>>>>> http://list.evergreen-ils.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/eg-oversight-board
>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>> eg-oversight-board mailing list
>>>> eg-oversight-board at list.evergreen-ils.org
>>>> http://list.evergreen-ils.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/eg-oversight-board
>>> -- 
>>> Ruth Frasur
>>> Director of the Historic(ally Awesome) Hagerstown - Jefferson Township
>>> Library
>>> 10 W. College Street in Hagerstown, Indiana (47346)
>>> p (765) 489-5632; f (765) 489-5808
>>> *Our Kickin' Website <http://hagerstownlibrary.org>,  Our Rockin' Facebook
>>> Page <http://facebook.com/hjtplibrary>,  and The Nettle Creek Players
>>> <http://nettlecreekplayers.com>*
> -- 
> Kathy Lussier
> Project Coordinator
> Massachusetts Library Network Cooperative
> (508) 343-0128
> klussier at masslnc.org
> Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/kmlussier
> _______________________________________________
> eg-oversight-board mailing list
> eg-oversight-board at list.evergreen-ils.org
> http://list.evergreen-ils.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/eg-oversight-board

Sharon Herbert
Sitka Manager | BC Libraries Cooperative
Toll-free: 1-855-383-5761 x1013 | Skype: sherbert42
Email: sharon.herbert at bc.libraries.coop | Twitter @sherbertbc
Website: http://bc.libraries.coop

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