[Evergreen-admin] Evergreen Install Issue

Jeff Fox JFox at museumofflight.org
Tue Feb 26 12:41:07 EST 2013

I am installing Evergreen on a new server and I am having trouble with the "Starting Evergreen" section of the instructions.
Specifically, I am having troubles with the "autogen.sh" instruction. I am very new to this, pretty much learning as I go.
Here is the information:


librarian at evergrnsrv:~$ sudo su opensrf
opensrf at evergrnsrv:/home/librarian$ autogen.sh -u
Updating Evergreen organization tree and IDL

Updating fieldmapper
Exception: OpenSRF::EX::Session 2013-02-26T08:39:57 OpenILS::Utils::Cronscript
/usr/local/share/perl/5.14.2/OpenILS/Utils/Cronscript.pm:276 Session Error:
router at private.localhost/opensrf.settings IS NOT CONNECTED TO THE NETWORK!!!
-> /openils/var/web/opac/common/js//fmall.js
Updating web_fieldmapper
Exception: OpenSRF::EX::Session 2013-02-26T08:39:58 OpenILS::Utils::Cronscript
/usr/local/share/perl/5.14.2/OpenILS/Utils/Cronscript.pm:276 Session Error:
router at private.localhost/opensrf.settings IS NOT CONNECTED TO THE NETWORK!!!
-> /openils/var/web/opac/common/js//fmcore.js
Updating OrgTree
Exception: OpenSRF::EX::Session 2013-02-26T08:39:58 OpenILS::Utils::Cronscript
/usr/local/share/perl/5.14.2/OpenILS/Utils/Cronscript.pm:276 Session Error:
router at private.localhost/opensrf.settings IS NOT CONNECTED TO THE NETWORK!!!
Exception: OpenSRF::EX::Session 2013-02-26T08:39:58 OpenILS::Utils::Cronscript
/usr/local/share/perl/5.14.2/OpenILS/Utils/Cronscript.pm:276 Session Error:
router at private.localhost/opensrf.settings IS NOT CONNECTED TO THE NETWORK!!!
Exception: OpenSRF::EX::Session 2013-02-26T08:39:58
/usr/local/share/perl/5.14.2/OpenSRF/Utils/SettingsClient.pm:103 Session Error:
router at private.localhost/opensrf.settings IS NOT CONNECTED TO THE NETWORK!!!
opensrf at evergrnsrv:/home/librarian$

SNIPPET FROM /openils/var/log/osrfsys.log

opensrf 2013-02-23 14:58:42 [INFO:5403:osrf_system.c:634:] Bootstrapping system
with domain private.localhost, port 5222, and unixpath (none)
opensrf 2013-02-23 14:58:42 [INFO:5403:osrf_app_session.c:1017:]
[opensrf.settings] sent 210 bytes of data to
router at private.localhost/opensrf.settings
opensrf 2013-02-23 14:58:42 [INFO:5403:transport_session.c:649:] Received
<error> message with type cancel and code 503
opensrf 2013-02-23 14:58:42 [WARN:5403:osrf_stack.c:134:]  !!! Received Jabber
layer error message
opensrf 2013-02-23 14:58:42 [WARN:5403:osrf_stack.c:144:]  * Jabber Error is for
top level remote  id [router at private.localhost/opensrf.settings], no one to send
my message to!  Cutting request short...
opensrf 2013-02-23 14:58:42 [INFO:5403:osrf_stack.c:163:] Message processing
duration 0.000086
opensrf 2013-02-23 14:58:42 [ERR :5403:osrf_app_session.c:304:] Transport error
in recv()
opensrf 2013-02-23 14:58:42 [ERR :5403:osrf_settings.c:117:] No osrfMessage
received from host evergrnsrv (timeout?)
opensrf 2013-02-23 14:58:42 [ERR :5403:osrf_settings.c:136:] Unable to load
config for host evergrnsrv
opensrf 2013-02-23 14:58:42 [ERR :5403:osrf_system.c:241:] Unable to retrieve
settings for host evergrnsrv from configuration file
opensrf 2013-02-23 14:58:42 [ERR :5403:opensrf.c:38:] Server Loop returned an
error condition, exiting with -1
[2013-02-23 14:58:58] -e [ERR :5461:EX.pm:66:] Exception: OpenSRF::EX::Session
2013-02-23T14:58:58 OpenSRF::Transport
/usr/local/share/perl/5.14.2/OpenSRF/Transport.pm:83 Session Error:
router at private.localhost/opensrf.settings IS NOT CONNECTED TO THE NETWORK!!!

There's more in the log, but it is repetitive; it just keeps repeating the above.
I think the salient message is the “Jabber layer error message” that something
is wrong with my “router at private.localhost/opensrf.settings”:

SNIPPET FROM opensrf_core.xml

          This is the private router.  All applications must register with
          this router, so no explicit <services> section is required

    <!-- Our domain should match that of the private router -->
<!--    <passwd>password</passwd>   -->

      Name of the router used on our private domain.
      This should match one of the <name> of the private router above.


The only potential issue I can identify is that the router is configured for port 5222, while in
my neophyte ineptitude, I created the database with the 5432 port. Is that the problem?  Can anyone identify the issue?
Where do I go from here?

Thank you,
[cid:image001.gif at 01CE1405.66B31F10]
Jeffrey Fox | IT Application & DB Specialist
The Museum of Flight
9404 East Marginal Way South; Seattle, WA 98108
p. 206.768.7213 | f. 206.764.5707
jfox at museumofflight.org

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