[Evergreen-admin] Evergreen server installation problem

Petr Brož petr.broz at heaven-industries.com
Sun Mar 24 09:27:24 EDT 2013

Hello Aleksey,

thank you for your reply. I still don't know what to try next. Please see

On Tue, Mar 19, 2013 at 3:32 PM, Lazar, Alexey Vladimirovich <
alexey.lazar at mnsu.edu> wrote:

> OpenSRF does have to be installed prior to running Evergreen. Then, after
> installing OpenSRF, you need to go in and fix the config files to work with
> Evergreen. Somewhat confusingly, OpenSRF and Evergreen use the same
> configuration files, but the format required for Evergreen is different.
> Specifics are in the documentation.

Ok. I will ignore OpenSRF (problems) for the moment.

> > Before that I have had settings-tester.pl report that:
> >
> > Checking libdbi and libdbi-drivers
> > libdbi PostgreSQL driver not found in shared library path;
> >   you may need to edit /etc/ld.so.conf or add an entry to
> /etc/ld.so.conf.d/
> >   and run 'ldconfig' as root
> If my understanding is correct, this error can be ignored on Ubuntu 12.04.

Ok. Ignoring.

> > Before that, I was confused in step "9. Creating the Evergreen database"
> where it says to replace "<user>, <password>, <hostname>,
> > <port>, and <dbname> with the appropriate values for your PostgreSQL
> database (where <user> and <password> are for the evergreen PostgreSQL
> account you just created)". I was not sure what values for <hostname>,
> <port> and <dbname> should be appropriate, whether they could be arbitrary
> or not. I have used "green", "5432" an "green" as a guess.
> If your Evergreen database is on the same server as the Evergreen
> application, you should use "localhost" for hostname (without quotes). The
> port should stay at 5432 and dbname should be the name of the database you
> wish to create, usually "evergreen".

Do I understand correctly that the values I have chosen should not cause
any trouble (my server's hostname is actually "green"). If not, should I
run the evergreen database creation script again with the values you

> > Before that I have had problems with the OpenSRF installation since my
> server didn't have a fixed hostname. I am installing Evergreen on a virtual
> server in AWS and AWS, by default, assigns a different hostname to the
> server each time it starts. And ejabberd was confused when the hostname
> changed. I have had to fix the hostname and delete all files in
> /var/lib/ejabberd/ to continue.
> Perhaps if you use "localhost" for your hostname it could help work around
> that problem?

I have already resolved the problem with ejabberd if that is what you refer
to as that problem. Or do you think that I should change the hostname again?

> Otherwise, you could always install a Virtualbox VM and try on your local
> machine, unless your goal is specifically to test with AWS.

I want to set up a fully functional Evergreen server for staff and web
access so I have chosen AWS as the simplest option. I can try an
installation on a Virtualbox VM but I don't think that it would help.

Petr Broz
petr.broz at gmail.com
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