[Evergreen-admin] FW: Fresh 2.5.2 install error connecting via Staff Client (Windows)

Alexander Tim TAlexander at triley.co.uk
Thu Feb 13 05:30:54 EST 2014

Well it has been awhile since I worked with Ubuntu so hadn't thought about the firewall.  I have disabled it for now (understand not best practice but am working towards a test or more specifically just a proof of concept).  Bounced the server and restarted all the OpenSRF services etc.  I still get the same error.

I am also using bog standard passwords for simplicity at this stage.  I have been burnt with special characters in Linux before but have triple checked them all and can't see any in the passwords that would cause an issue.

I have avoided installing with anything beyond the standard in the documentation.  To that end there is no --enable-python or --enable-java flag.

I have run the start_all command and everything seems to load without issue.  I am then able to login to the srfsh shell using the egadmin user and password I specified running the perl script during installation.

For a round up I am using Ubuntu 12.04 Server x64.  This is a VM running on ESXi.  All packages, bar lynx web browser, that have been installed are as a result of the commands run during evergreen installation.

Digging around the logs I am still not sure what I am looking at.  Doing a grep for ERR seems to return the same details as the staff client error.

I have attached a tar of the logs in case anyone can see anything glaring.

Thanks for the pointers thus far.



-----Original Message-----
From: evergreen-admin-bounces at list.evergreen-ils.org [mailto:evergreen-admin-bounces at list.evergreen-ils.org] On Behalf Of Elliot Voris
Sent: 12 February 2014 18:22
To: evergreen-admin at list.evergreen-ils.org
Subject: Re: [Evergreen-admin] Fresh 2.5.2 install error connecting via Staff Client (Windows)

Good call, Aleksey! I didn't even think about checking the firewall.

I probably should have asked these things at the start: What OS are you using? What version of OpenSRF did you install? Any chance you installed OpenSRF and/or Evergreen with the --enable-python flag (if that seems completely unfamiliar, then you probably didn't)? Have you run through the steps outlined here: http://evergreen-ils.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=troubleshooting:checking_for_errors ? If so, what were the results?

Double check two steps for me:
1) From the OpenSRF install instructions: http://evergreen-ils.org/documentation/install/OpenSRF/README_2_2_2.html#_testing_the_default_opensrf_services
2) From the Evergreen-ILS install instructions: http://docs.evergreen-ils.org/2.5/_testing_connections_to_evergreen.html

I recall when I was trying to install Evergreen for the first time, it took me a bunch of tries. I was also fairly new to Linux at the time, too. It was like trying to learn how to administer software, using a language I was learning simultaneously. It was really easy to overlook things and get myself lost.


Elliot J. Voris

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