[Evergreen-admin] Adding a new facet
Lazar, Alexey Vladimirovich
alexey.lazar at mnsu.edu
Thu Jun 5 17:31:49 EDT 2014
Hello again.
My facet problem was solved after upgrading to 2.5.4. The step I previously missed was:
sudo -u opensrf /openils/bin/autogen.sh
which, among other things, does "Updating Facet Definitions “. So now, my facet links work and produce results.
So, a general outline for adding a facet is something like:
1. Create the new facet in the DB, similar to http://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=documentation:facet_idx_def_example, but configured for the custom need
2. Configure the config.tt2 to display the new facet in the OPAC, as described on http://en.flossmanuals.net/evergreen-in-action/enabling-users-to-find-what-theyre-looking-for/
3. Run autogen.sh, like sudo -u opensrf /openils/bin/autogen.sh
Also, if the meta index has not been rebuilt including the tag that is used for the new facet, a reingest may be needed, see http://blog.mvlcstaff.org/2013/12/parallel-metabib-reingest-in-evergreen.html.
On 2014-06-05, at 11:01 , Lazar, Alexey Vladimirovich <alexey.lazar at mnsu.edu> wrote:
> Kathy,
> Thanks for the tip.
> I’ve used this reingest [1] approach before, but post upgrading to 2.5 requiring the full reingest for browse to work, I tried that method on a test server and it took 48 hours. Granted, the server was not properly optimized for that data set, but still that was pretty brutal.
> Thankfully, Jason Stephenson wrote this Parallel Metabib Reingest method [2], [3], which is just great. It was fairly simple to configure and I ran it safely on live systems without affecting the system operations, only taking a few hours (although I did have to mitigate the excessive WAL log issue).
> As far as my facet… Right now I need to pause for doing some upgrading to 2.5.4, but afterwards I will re-test again with a fresh set of data and following your recommendations.
> Thank you.
> Aleksey
> --
> [1] http://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=scratchpad:random_magic_spells#reingesting_bib_and_authority_records_20_and_later
> [2] http://blog.mvlcstaff.org/2013/12/parallel-metabib-reingest-in-evergreen.html
> [3] http://git.mvlcstaff.org/?p=jason/evergreen_utilities.git;a=summary
> On 2014-06-04, at 19:15 , Kathy Lussier <klussier at masslnc.org> wrote:
>> Hi Aleksey,
>> Adding 049a to config.metabib_field just configures the index, but you still need to do something to populate those index entries into metabib.keyword_field_entry. This can be done with a reingest. There used to be a magic spell at http://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=scratchpad:random_magic_spells#how_to_include_a_specific_marc_field_with_a_specific_search_class that showed a quicker way to populate that table without the reingest, but it looks like that spell has been removed.
>> Before doing any type of reingest, I would recommend adding or editing one record with the 049a field and looking at the results in metabib.keyword_field_entry to make sure everything looks okay.
>> Kathy
>> Kathy Lussier
>> Project Coordinator
>> Massachusetts Library Network Cooperative
>> (508) 343-0128
>> klussier at masslnc.org
>> Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/kmlussier
>> On 6/4/2014 5:28 PM, Lazar, Alexey Vladimirovich wrote:
>>> Hello.
>>> I am testing adding a facet. I used a slightly modified version of this code sample from the Evergreen wiki [1] and also modified config.tt2 to display in the OPAC. I get the facet to show up in the OPAC, but when clicked, the links do not produce any search results.
>>> The entry in config.metabib_field:
>>> 1001;"keyword";"collection";"Collection";"//marc:datafield[@tag="049"]/marc:subfield[@code="a"]";1;"marcxml";TRUE;TRUE;TRUE;"";"";FALSE;"";"";""
>>> I used the keyword class from config.metabib_class:
>>> "keyword";"Keyword";FALSE;FALSE;1.0;0.4;0.2;0.1;FALSE
>>> config.metabib_field_index_norm_map
>>> 63;1001;17;"";0
>>> So, as I understand it, everything appears to have worked, but the links from the newly added facet produce no results. So, now I’m a little stuck and not sure where to look next. Any suggestions for what I may be missing?
>>> Any help would be appreciated, thanks.
>>> [1] http://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=documentation:facet_idx_def_example
>>> Aleksey Lazar
>>> IS Developer and Integrator - PALS
>>> http://www.mnpals.org/
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> Aleksey Lazar
> IS Developer and Integrator - PALS
> http://www.mnpals.org/
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Aleksey Lazar
IS Developer and Integrator - PALS
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