[Evergreen-catalogers] in database marc templates

Rogan Hamby rhamby at equinoxinitiative.org
Thu Apr 27 13:53:58 EDT 2017

In an effort to keep Galen's thread about updated templates from being
completely sidetracked about a (very) valuable discussion I thought I'd
make a new thread.

The bug that Jason Stephenson filed some time back is here:


This ticket just mentions the adding of MARC templates to the database and
doesn't address the other needs that have been brought up but it can be
expanded.  I know that someone mentioned permissions and I'd be curious to
hear in more detail how they would envision that working and if existing
permissions could be used or if new ones would be needed.

I'll even volunteer to update the ticket with the information and link the
thread if no one else wants to.

Rogan Hamby

Data and Project Analyst

Equinox Open Library Initiative

phone:  1-877-OPEN-ILS (673-6457)

email:  rogan at EquinoxInitiative.org
web:  http://EquinoxInitiative.org
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