[Evergreen-catalogers] Authority linking question

Josh Stompro stomproj at exchange.larl.org
Mon Jun 11 16:50:24 EDT 2018

Mary, what version of EG are you on? Is this from the marc edit -> validate or from running the authority_control_field.pl script to perform the linking.

I was trying to trace how the authority_control_fields.pl matches tags to authority headings, and it looks like it uses naco_normalize, which gets rid of punctuation, so if you are using the script then it shouldn’t be a problem.  I’m not sure how the validate button does it.

There are also significant authority changes in the 3.0 release when it comes to pulling out the headings from the records that might be a part of this puzzle.

Could you give me links to two records, one that shows a successful link without a period and one that shows a successful link with a period?

I don’t’ fully understand yet how the metabib.browse_entry, metabib.browse_entry_def_map and metabib.browse_entry_simple_heading_map work together, but this might be related.  There was a fix for several of the browse and facet indexes because of how there is now a mix of RDA and non RDA records right now, some with the subfield e (relator) and some without.  It was in the 2.12 release, but can be applied to versions before that easily since it is just adding a new index normalization function. (if you apply it and then upgrade then you might get some errors when it tries to apply the same normalization function to the same metabib_fields a second time though.)

Applying just the upgrade script to your database, and then doing a reingest should clean up your browse index to get rid of non-significant trailing periods.

Josh Stompro - LARL IT Director

From: Evergreen-catalogers [mailto:evergreen-catalogers-bounces at list.evergreen-ils.org] On Behalf Of Mary Llewellyn
Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2018 2:04 PM
To: Evergreen Community Catalogers <evergreen-catalogers at list.evergreen-ils.org>
Subject: [Evergreen-catalogers] Authority linking question

Hi all,

We're still in the testing stage with authorities, and we're finding a heading in a bib record won't link to an authority record if the subject in the bib record has an ending period and the auth record heading doesn't. Has anyone else experienced this?



Mary Llewellyn
Database Manager
Bibliomation, Inc.
24 Wooster Ave.
Waterbury, CT 06708
mllewell at biblio.org<mailto:mllewell at biblio.org>
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