[Evergreen-catalogers] Creating multiple items with different call numbers and item templates

Willis, Beth willis at noblenet.org
Wed Jun 19 09:40:42 EDT 2019

This is the workflow we expected when using the unified editor in the web
client to create new holdings

Select a bib record
Select "Add holdings"

In the holdings editor:
Increment call number from 1 to 2
Increment items to create 2 items per call number
Add call number label and barcodes

On the "Working Items" tab:
Select the 2 items associated with the first call number
Select and apply an item template that contains call number data (e.g. a
call number prefix)
Select "Store Selected"

Select the other 2 items associated with the second call number
Select and apply a different item template that contains call number data
Select "Store Selected"

Save and exit

We find that when applying a template with call number data, BOTH call
numbers are updated even if only some items are selected on the "Working
Items" tab.  When the other two items are selected and edited by applying a
different template, BOTH call numbers are updated again.

It does not make a difference whether the unselected items have been
"Stored" or not.

Note: item attributes are not affected; they update correctly upon
application of the item template.

This is a major workflow issue for our libraries because most of them
incorporate call number information into their item templates.

Are others using the "Working Items" and "Completed Items" tabs with
success?  What is your item creation workflow?  Do you use the "Allow Call
Number attributes in Item Templates" default?

Thanks for your input!

Beth Willis
Digital & Catalog Librarian
42 Cherry Hill Drive
Danvers, MA 01923
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