[Evergreen-catalogers] Holdings Template Management

Willis, Beth willis at noblenet.org
Thu Oct 7 15:03:09 EDT 2021

Many of our libraries use a large number of holdings templates for
inputting volumes and items.  Additionally, they may have multiple
staff responsible for inputting items.  To promote consistency in holdings
data, we have encouraged libraries to maintain one "master" set of
templates to be shared among staff.   The intention here is to ensure that
when a template is edited or a new template is created, all staff would
have access to the most current set of templates.   However, library staff
find this method of template management onerous.

How does template management work at your library(ies)?  Have you come up
with any methods that make it easier?

Thank you!

Beth Willis
Digital & Catalog Librarian
42 Cherry Hill Drive
Danvers, MA 01923
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