[Evergreen-circ] Send Call Number to Phone Trigger issue

Jennifer.Bruch@sparkpa.org jbruch at sparkpa.org
Thu Mar 4 11:47:59 EST 2021

Hello All,

We recently encountered an issue with the SMS Call Number Notice lacking access to item information. In our library consortium we have some consolidated libraries, where the items have a single owning library and different circ libraries. We also have some rotating/floating collections that can result in the owning library and the circ library being different on an item.

As a result, the Call Number Trigger does not provide the correct information for where the item is located. The notice is not aware of the item details, only the call number details. So, the notice will have info for the item at the owning library but not the circ library where the item is located.

Has this caused issues for any other large system users?

I have made a Wishlist bug here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/evergreen/+bug/1917789
Bug #1917789 “Wishlist: Make Call Number SMS aware of item detai...” : Bugs : Evergreen<https://bugs.launchpad.net/evergreen/+bug/1917789>
Observed in When a patron uses the Send Call Number to phone option, it can send confusing or incorrect item location information. Example: Item has differing owning and circ library settings. This can happen in consolidated library situations where all titles are owned by the main branch and they circulate out of various others. Also, happens with floating/rotating collections that are shared from owning library and circulate for a few months from a partner library. The SMS link is next to...


Jennifer Bruch, ILS Application Specialist, Pennsylvania Integrated Library System

717-818-2703, support at sparkpa.org

Submit a SPARK Support Request<https://sparkpa.helpspot.com/index.php?pg=request>
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