[Evergreen-circ] Send Call Number to Phone Trigger issue

Diane Disbro ddisbro at scenicregional.org
Thu Mar 4 12:43:53 EST 2021

Yes! We have the same situation with our floating collections. I will add

Diane Disbro
Pronouns: she/her
Circulation Coordinator
Scenic Regional Library
251 Union Plaza Drive
Union, MO 63084
(636) 583-0652 ext  110
ddisbro at scenicregional.org

On Thu, Mar 4, 2021 at 10:48 AM Jennifer.Bruch at sparkpa.org <
jbruch at sparkpa.org> wrote:

> Hello All,
> We recently encountered an issue with the SMS Call Number Notice lacking
> access to item information. In our library consortium we have some
> consolidated libraries, where the items have a single owning library and
> different circ libraries. We also have some rotating/floating collections
> that can result in the owning library and the circ library being different
> on an item.
> As a result, the Call Number Trigger does not provide the correct
> information for where the item is located. The notice is not aware of the
> item details, only the call number details. So, the notice will have info
> for the item at the owning library but not the circ library where the item
> is located.
> Has this caused issues for any other large system users?
> I have made a Wishlist bug here:
> https://bugs.launchpad.net/evergreen/+bug/1917789
> Bug #1917789 “Wishlist: Make Call Number SMS aware of item detai...” :
> Bugs : Evergreen <https://bugs.launchpad.net/evergreen/+bug/1917789>
> Observed in When a patron uses the Send Call Number to phone option, it
> can send confusing or incorrect item location information. Example: Item
> has differing owning and circ library settings. This can happen in
> consolidated library situations where all titles are owned by the main
> branch and they circulate out of various others. Also, happens with
> floating/rotating collections that are shared from owning library and
> circulate for a few months from a partner library. The SMS link is next
> to...
> bugs.launchpad.net
> Thanks,
> Jennifer Bruch, ILS Application Specialist, Pennsylvania Integrated
> Library System
> 717-818-2703, support at sparkpa.org
> Submit a SPARK Support Request
> <https://sparkpa.helpspot.com/index.php?pg=request>
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