[Evergreen-dev] Git, move local customizations to new release

Josh Stompro stomproj at gsuite.larl.org
Mon Dec 12 08:45:11 EST 2022

Hello, I'm just getting my workflow figured out and wanted to see if I'm on
the right track.

I've found all our local customizations and added them as various commits
to the release that we are on.

Then I created a new branch based on remotes/origin/tags/rel_3_9_0, and
cherry picked all the commits to that branch that I wanted.  I just called
it rel_3_9_0-larl.  That seemed to work just fine when I ran through the
install processes.

Then I was reading up on git rebase.  So I created a new branch based on
rel_3_9_0-larl, called it rel_3_10_0-larl.  Then I ran "git
rebase remotes/origin/tags/rel_3_10_0".  I skipped the first few commits
that conflicted over changing the release number, and a few that were
already applied to 3_10_0.  But that was way simpler than cherry picking.

Is this a reasonable approach?  Are there any notable problems that I may
run into with this method?


[image: Company logo]
*Josh Stompro*
IT Director
stomproj at gsuite.larl.org | 218-233-3757 ext. 139 | 218-790-2110
*Lake Agassiz Regional Library *
118 5th ST S
Moorhead MN 56560
*Our mission is to enrich lives and strengthen communities.*
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