[Evergreen-general] How to add/compile Czech localization to Angular part of a web staff client?

Václav Jansa vaclav.jansa at gmail.com
Fri Oct 30 02:58:42 EDT 2020

Hello Evergreeners,

We are now working on update of our production system to version 3.5.1 
and we want to enable Czech localization for all interfaces. OPAC and 
classic web staff interface is localized and already switched to the 
Czech language. But a directory /openils/var/web/eg2/cs-CZ/ where the 
Czech localization of eg2 Angular staff client is expected is missing.

A XTB file with cs-CZ locales for Angular already exists 
(Evergreen-ILS-3.5.1/Open-ILS/src/eg2/src/locale/messages.cs-CZ.xtb) but 
the locale is not compiled.

I am a total newbie in Angular, so I need a little help on how to 
compile a fully functional Czech locale from the existing XTB file.

Thanks for your help in advance!

Vaclav Jansa

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